Towards an eva­lua­ti­on in­fra­st­ruc­tu­re for au­to­mo­ti­ve mul­ti­core real-time ope­ra­ting systems

  • Jörn Schneider, Christian Eltges
    Towards an Evaluation Infrastructure for Automotive Multicore Real-Time Operating Systems
    In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification, and validation - Volume Part II, 2010
  • Paper: PDF (131 KB)
  • Abstract:
    The automotive industry is on the road to multicore and already included supporting features in their AUTOSAR standard, yet they could not decide for a multicore resource locking protocol. It is crucial for the future acceptance and possibilities of multicore systems to allow for informed decisions on this topic, as it immediately impacts the inter-core communication performance and thereby the value-cost ratio of such systems. We present the design of a real-time operating system simulator that allows to evaluate the different multicore synchronisation mechanisms of the real-time research community regarding their fitness for automotive hard real-time applications. You can reuse the key design idea of this simulator for any simulation based tool for the early timing evaluation of different real-time mechanisms, e. g. scheduling algorithms.
  • BibTex:

       author = {J.~Schneider and C.~Eltges},
       title = {Towards an evaluation infrastructure for automotive multicore real-time operating systems},
       booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Leveraging applications of formal methods, verification, and validation - Volume Part II},
       year = {2010}, series = {ISoLA'10},
       pages = {483--486},
       publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
       location = {Heraklion, Crete, Greece},
       numpages = {4}

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