Prof. Dr. Jörn Schneider











  • T. Heinz und J. Schneider
    The legacy ECU software problem - approach and research challenges
    In Software Engineering (Workshops), (München, Deutschland), pp. 98–102, 2008


  • J. Schneider, D. Ziegenbein, H. Reiter und V. Schulte-Coerne
    Vorhersagbarkeit in der Software-Integration
    In Automotive  Safety & Security, (Stuttgart), Shaker, Okt. 2006


  • J. Schneider und V. Schulte-Coerne
    Model Based Integration of 3rd Party Software
    In BoCSE 2004 - 2nd Bosch Conference on Software Engineering, (Ludwigsburg, Deutschland), Robert Bosch GmbH, Okt. 2004
  • J. Schneider und V. Schulte-Coerne
    Sichere Integration von Fremdsoftware: Lösungskonzepte für eine Problemstellung aus der Praxis
    In 34th Informatics, Annual Conference held by the German Informatics society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.), (Ulm, Deutschland), pp. 28–32, 2004


  • J. Schneider
    Combined Schedulability and WCET Analysis for Real-TimeOperating Systems.
    PhD thesis, Universität des Saarlandes, 2003


  • J. Schneider
    Why You Can’t Analyze RTOSs without Considering Applications and Vice Versa
    In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2002), Satellite Event of the 14th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, Juni 2002


  • J. Schneider
    Cache and Pipeline Sensitive Fixed Priority Scheduling for Preemptive Real-Time Systems
    In Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, pp. 195–204, Nov. 2000
  • J. Schneider, C. Ferdinand und R. Wilhelm
    Predicting the Pipeline Behavior of Superscalar Processors by Abstract Interpretation
    In WCET2000 (Deutschsprachige WCET-Tagung, Paderborn, Germany), Okt 2000


  • C. Ferdinand, D. Kästner, M. Langenbach, F. Martin, M. Schmidt, J. Schneider, H. Theiling, S. Thesing und R. Wilhelm
    Run-Time Guarantees for Real-Time Systems—The USES Approach
    In 29th Informatics, Annual Conference held by the German Informatics society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.), Informatik Aktuell, (Paderborn, Germany), pp. 410–419, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Springer, Okt. 1999
  • C. Ferdinand, D. Kästner, M. Langenbach, F. Martin, M. Schmidt, J. Schneider, H. Theiling, S. Thesing und R. Wilhelm
    A Retargetable Approach to Calculate Run-Time Guarantees for Real-Time Systems
    In 4th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES ’99), Sept. 1999
  • J. Schneider und C. Ferdinand
    Pipeline Behavior Prediction for Superscalar Processors by Abstract Interpretation
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN  Workshop  on  Languages,  Compilers  and  Tools  for  Embedded Systems, vol. 34 of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, pp. 35–44, Mai 1999.
  • J. Schneider, C. Ferdinand und R. Wilhelm
    Pipeline Behavior Prediction for Superscalar Processors
    Tech. Rep. A/02/99, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999
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