Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Lürig

  • Christoph Lürig, Tilo Mentler, and Sven Karstens. 2024. Row your boat in VR and solve thinking exercises on the way: The Brain-Row Challenge. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 87, 1–2.
  • Christoph Lürig, Jörg Gutsche, and Tilo Mentler. 2023. HoloBrand: A Colocated XR Multiplayer Serious Game on an Economic Model. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX ’23), June 12–15, 2023, Nantes, France. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3 pages.
  • Lürig, C: "Learning Machine learning with a Game", 16th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL 2022),  p 316-323, 2022
  • Lürig, C: Designziele, Entwicklung und Resonanz des VR-Spiels Liquid Marx. In Eugen Pfister / Tobias Unterhuber (Hrsg.) "The revolution will (not) be gamified" - Marx und das Computerspiel, (S. 259-269), 2022, VHW-Verlag 
  • Lürig, C.: "Designziele, Entwicklung und Resonanz des VR-Spiels Liquid Marx", Paida, Sonderausgabe Marx und das Computerspiel, 2021
  • Lürig C.: "Real-time simulation of crowd disasters", I/ITSEC 2020, 2020, Link, Paper
  • Lürig C.: "LiquidMarx", 13th European Conference on Game Based Learning, 2019
  • Baumann, N., Lürig, C. & Engeser, S. (2016). Flow and Enjoyment beyond Skill-Demand Balance: The Role of Game Pacing Curves and Personality. Motivation and Emotion
  • M.V. Birk, C. Lürig, R. Mandryk: "A Metric for Automatically Flagging Problem Levels in Games from Prototype Walkthrough Data", Academic Mindtrek 2015
  • F. Wockenfuss, C. Lürig: „Introducing congestion avoidance into CUDA based crowd simulation“, VRIPHYS 2011, pp. 101 - 110, Workshop on Virtual Reaity Interaction and Physical Simulation, 2011
  • C. Lürig, N. Carstengerdes: Filtering joystick data for shooter design really matters, ICEC 2011, LNCS 6972, pp. 264--269. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing (2011)
  • C. Lürig: „Filtering off analogue sticks on joypads for improved control precision“, submitted and accepted for FuturePlay conference 2007 in Toronto.
  • C. Lürig: „A Matter of Time“, SIGGRAPH Campfire of Production Processes of 3D Computer Graphics, pp. 97-102, 2002
  • C. Lürig: Computerspiele der Grenzbereich zwischen Simulation und Dramaturgie, 31. GI Jahrestagung 2001, pp. 1178 – 1184, 2001
  • C. Lürig, L. Kobbelt, T. Ertl: Hierarchical Solutions for the Deformable Surface Problem in Visualization, Graphical Models and Image Processing, vol. 62, pp.  2 – 18, 2000
  • C. Lürig, P. Hastreiter, C. Nimsky, T. Ertl: Analysis and Visualization of the Brain Shift Phenomenon, Proceedings VisSym '99, 1999.
  • C. Lürig: 2D Graphik in Java, Java Spektrum, Ausgabe 6, November/Dezember 1999, Nr. 22
  • C. Lürig: Greater Java:  A programmable Slide Show Part 2, Visual J++ Informant Magazin, November 1998, Volume 3, Number 11
  • C. Lürig: Greater Java:  A programmable Slide Show Part 1, Visual J++ Informant Magazin, October 1998, Volume 3, Number 10
  • C. Lürig, T. Ertl: Hierarchical Volume Analysis and Visualization Based on  Morphological Operators, in IEEE Visualization '98 Proceedings. pp. 335 – 341, 1998
  • C. Lürig, T.Ertl: Texturing of Deformable Surfaces with Arbitrary Topology. In H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, B. Girod , IEEE IMDSP '98 Proceedings, pp. 271 – 274, 1998
  • C. Lürig, L. Kobbelt, T. Ertl: Deformable Surfaces for Feature Based Indirect Volume Rendering, in Franz-Erich-Wolters, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Proceedings  Computer Graphics International 1998, pp. 752 – 760, 1998
  • R. Grosse, C. Lürig, T. Ertl: The Multilevel Finite Element Method for Adaptive Mesh  Optimization and Visualization of Volume Data. In Proc. IEEE Visualization '97, IEEE Computer Society Press 1997..
  • C. Lürig, T. Ertl: A Distributed Environment for Integrating Volume Reduction and Implicit Adaptive Rendering Techniques, in H.-P. Seidel, B. Girod, H. Niemann, 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '97, infix, 1997
  • C. Lürig, R. Grosso, T. Ertl: Combinig Wavelet Transform and Graph Theory for Feature Extraction and Visualization in Proc. 8th  Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific Computing, pp 137 – 144, Eurographics Association, 1997
  • C. Lürig, T. Ertl: Implicit Adaptive Volume Ray-Casting, in Proc. Graphicon '97. pp. 114-120, 1997
  • C.Lürig, T.Ertl: Adaptive Iso-Surface Generation, in B. Girod, H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel, 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis '96, pp. 183 – 190, Graduiertenkolleg 3D Billdanalyse und Synthese, infix 1996
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