Conference registration

Conference fee

The online conference is free of charge. This has been made possible thanks to the conference sponsors.

Certificate of attendance

A certificate of attendance will not be issued after the conference. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Photographs and video recording

The online conference will be video recorded, and photographs will also be taken. If you prefer not to appear in the video or photographs, we highly recommend turning off your camera during the conference.


For all questions regarding the online conference, please contact Prof Dr Jens Schneider and Judith Schares at the following email address: elgs-otos(at)

Registration form

The registration deadline is 18th October 2024.

Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Data Protection

By clicking "Submit registration" you agree to the privacy policy available here (Specific: German original / English translation; General: German original / English translation).

You also agree that the data will be sent via email to the relevant staff member within the Department of Computer Science / Study courses of Therapeutic Sciences on submission of the form.

Contact person

Prof Dr Jens Schneider
Professor for Applied Therapeutic Sciences with a focus on Occupational Therapy

Email: Jens.Schneider(at)
Email: elgs-otos(at)
(Prof Dr Jens Schneider and Judith Schares)

Hosts and Sponsors

Host: Trier University of Applied Sciences
Host: University of Batangas
Host: International Network on Sexualities and Genders within Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science
Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Sponsor: German Academic Exchange Service
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