About this tutorial


  • Who?

    The Online Tutorial "Information Literacy" was created by the Working Group Online-Tutorial in cooperation with the Working Group Information Literacy

    nd kindly provided to Trier University of Applied Sciences for re-use. Textual adaptations for the university were made by Elke Becker and Stefan Bagusche.

    Contact person:
    Anke Schmeier (Head of the Library at the Main Campus)

    Notes: Since 2002, structures and committees have been implemented in North Rhine-Westphalia to professionalise the teaching of information literacy. The Working Group on Information Literacy consists of representatives of university and college libraries and meets twice a year. It supports the libraries in the expansion of their training courses by providing concrete recommendations and practical preparatory work and is responsible for the online tutorial. At every university library in North Rhine-Westphalia there are multipliers for the teaching of information literacy. At their workshop in December 2005, they developed initial guidelines for an online tutorial. The guidelines were implemented or modified in consultation with the Working Group on Information Literacy by the Working Group on Online Tutorial in the course of 2006.
  • What?

    The online tutorial was developed "from practice for practice" and is therefore deliberately puristic in order to enable libraries to add texts and exercises as easily as possible. It contains general, library-independent information on the tasks of preparing and performing searches, as well as procuring and processing information, and does not contain any animation or interactivity.
  • How?

    The online tutorial is divided into four individual modules: 1. prepare search; 2. perform search; 3. procure information and 4. process information. This modular structure makes it possible to map the complete process of information retrieval and evaluation and to develop it for individuals or a group in the context of training events (blended learning). The detailed learning objectives are specified at the beginning of each module so that the learner always has transparency regarding the purpose and benefit of the respective learning unit. Using the main navigation on the right side of the page, the online tutorial can be worked through step by step from the first to the last module.
  • What for?

    The online tutorial is designed to help libraries to teach basic information literacy skills. From the already available online tutorials on information literacy at the universities of Düsseldorf, Koblenz and Mannheim, reusable parts were selected or adapted and texts that are still missing were written. Of particular importance for the online tutorial is also the library glossary of the University Library of the Humboldt University of Berlin, which was developed from the "Glossary on Terms of Information Literacy" of the University Library of Kaiserslautern.

    For interested libraries: The online tutorial can be used free of charge by all libraries. It can be used unchanged as a basic version via the DigiBib or as a copy on your own server, where it can be supplemented with local-specific texts, examples and exercises. If you would like general information about the Online Tutorial, please send an e-mail to the Working Group Online Tutorial. If you would like to benefit from the advantages of the Online Tutorial and use it for your library, simply fill out the form and send it by e-mail to the Working Group Online-Tutorial ("Nachnutzung Online-Tutorial").

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