Health Insurance

Legal regulation

The respective health insurance status must be proven in order to take up a course of study. Trier University of Applied Sciences will participate in the student registration procedure SMV from 01.12.2021. From this day on, according to §199a SGB V, the data transfer between the university and the health insurance company must take place exclusively electronically in both directions.

This electronic procedure replaces the paper procedure. Within the Student Notification Procedure (SMV), data subject to notification is exchanged between universities and health insurance funds: health insurance funds report, for example, insurance backlogs, changes in health insurance funds and information on outstanding contributions. The universities send information on the start and end of the insured student's studies.

    Procedure for applicants:

    Step 1: Requesting the digital insurance confirmation (before starting the online application)

    You inform your chosen health insurance company that you will be studying at Trier University of Applied Sciences and provide the health insurance company with the details of Trier University of Applied Sciences. Please quote the university sender number H0002131 to your health insurance company.

    See in particular the following excerpt from §199a SBG V:
    (2) Every prospective student must prove to the state or state-recognised higher education institution before enrolment that he/she is insured in the statutory health insurance fund or will be insured at the beginning of the semester, at the earliest on the day of enrolment, or that he/she is not statutorily insured because he/she is exempt from insurance, exempted from compulsory insurance or not compulsorily insured. The prospective student requests the health insurance company to report the proof of his/her insurance status according to sentence 1 to the state or state-recognised higher education institution.

    Step 2: Online application/enrolment in the university portal

    In the online enrolment, you must provide information on your health insurance coverage. Please note the following information:

    Choose compulsory insurance if you are covered by the statutory health insurance for students for your studies or if you are covered by family insurance: In any case, the entry of the insurance number is obligatory, enter it now.

    • The health insurance number is located on your health card and is an alphanumeric, ten-digit value with a letter in the first and numbers in the other nine digits including a check digit. If there is any other information on your health card after the 10th digit, e.g. -2, you can omit it.Your entry will be validated. If the entry of your health insurance number is incorrect, you will be informed of the invalidity of the number by a warning symbol next to the insurance number. Correct your entry.
    • Ideally, the digital insurance confirmation you previously requested from the health insurance fund will be found and assigned to you (if step 1 was followed). If necessary, further data will be taken from the digital insurance confirmation, e.g. the health insurance fund in the case of compulsory insurance.
    • If no insurance confirmation is available yet or cannot be assigned to you, the information on the health insurance fund is obligatory for persons subject to compulsory insurance. If you cannot find your health insurance fund in the drop-down list, enter the name and location of your health insurance fund in the separate input field.

      Select exempt if you are not subject to compulsory insurance, exempt from compulsory insurance or exempt from compulsory insurance, for example if you are privately insured. You then do not have to enter any further data.
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