Enrico Careglio (Prof., Dr., Dipl.-Ing.)
Prof. Dr. Enrico Careglio is a graduated engineer in food technology with a complementary master degree in food and nutrition sciences. His doctoral thesis led him to UK and Italy, where he obtained his PhD in Biochemistry under the topic: "Effect of UV-B radiation on the genetic expression of (+) menthofuran synthase (Cytochrome P450s) in Mentha x piperita L. (Black Mitcham)".
Prof. Dr. E. Careglio worked for 15 years in a leading European confectionery group with periods abroad in Italy and France. His activities ranged from technological recipe support under qualitative aspects, basic research in the special field of raw materials, and innovative product development under special nutritional and food law.
Prof. Dr. E. Careglio has been at Trier University of Applied Sciences since April 2010.
Prof. Dr. E. Careglio is head of the department of food sensory analysis/product development and is responsible for the laboratory of physical measurement methods.
Prof. Dr. E. Careglio has defined the following topics as the main areas of research:
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