Hochschule Trier

Workshop zum Thema EU-Fundraising for Research and Innovation

What to expect

Did you know that the European Commission co-finances research and innovation projects? Furthermore, the European Commission supports the acquisition of new skills and career development with doctoral and postdoctoral programmes! So, it might be worth to consider public funding to achieve your goals!
In this workshop, you will learn how to submit a successful application to a funding body. Focus will be laid on Horzion Europe, the current funding programme for research and innovation of the European Commission. This includes the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions with its Postdoctoral Fellowships and Doctoral Networks.

Your benefits:

  • Overview of European public funding landscape and detailed introduction to Horizon Europe
  • Acquire skills in proposal writing like structuring of a project idea, identifying the right funding programme and call, finding the right partners and developing a work plan and budget
  • Creating the basis for a project proposal or research topic

Lecturer: Nicole Klein-Stocké, Innovation Manager and Fundraising Expert. As former business consultant for fundraising, Nicole already submitted successfully various project applications in different funding programmes. In her current position she is applying for public funding for research projects in the field of quantum computing.

Zur Anmeldung

Ort: Campus Schneidershof | Raum: D09
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