One of the characteristics of cooperative study programmes is the participation and interconnectednes of numerous different parties such as universities, practice partners, education partners, chambers and associations. The close cooperation of these parties with each other is strongly contribution towards the success of these programmes.
The main characteristic of cooperative study programmes is learning at alternating locations. In addition to the scientific training at the TUAS practical training is being provided during the phases spent at a cooperating company. The different phases of learning are intertwined organisationally and with regard to their content.
Cooperating partners in the study course Nonprofit and NGO-Management are Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
In the therapy-related study courses we cooperate with job-specific vocational schools. At the end of the school based vocational training students will undertake a state examination in the chosen profession.
Partners in vocational training are mainly vocational schools, but inter-company training centres or vocational promotion agencies can also play an important role during the apprenticeship.
In case of apprenticeship-integrated degree programmes, the start of the vocational trainig usually precedes the start of the course of study. This enables students to attend a vocational school in the first year of their training. Depending on the number of participants, separate classes may be offered for students.
Further information on apprenticeships within the Apprenticeship Integrated Academic Degrree programmes is being provided by the respective chambers. These are e.g the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (Industrie- und Handelskammer), the Cahmber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer) or the Chamber of Tax Consultants (Steurberaterkammer)
In case of apprenticeships in the non-therapheutic area, the dual vocational training is based on the Vocational Training Act, "Berufsbildungsgesetz" (BBiG) or the Crafts Code, "Handwerksordnung" (HwO). The acceptance of the examination(s) is carried out by the relevant chamber who also ensures the quality standards of the vocational training.
The standard period of study of the cooperative bachelor degree programmes offered at Trier University of Applied Sciences is 6 to 8 semesters.
If you are interested in an apprenticeship-integrated academic degree programme, you should take into account that the start of the apprenticeship can be up to 18 months prior to the actual start of the studies at the TUAS. The total training period therefore increases by the time of the preceding start of the dual vocational training. Depending on the chosen course of cooperative studies, the total training period can be between 4 and 5 years.
The allocation of theoretical and practical phases during a cooperative degree programme can be described in different time models:
The timing depends on the structure of the underlying cooperative degree programme and is defined in consultation with the practice partners.
Industrie- und Handelskammer Trier
Herzogenbuscher Straße 12
54292 Trier
E-Mail: service(at)
Industrie- und Handelskammer Koblenz
Schloßstraße 2
56068 Koblenz
E-Mail: service(at)
Steuerberaterkammer Rheinland-Pfalz
Hölderlinstraße 1
55131 Mainz
E-Mail: info(at)
Coordination office for Cooperative Study Programmes
Building A | Room 112a
Schneidershof | 54293 Trier
Phone: +49 651 / 81 03 - 209
Core hours: Mo.-Fr. 08:00-11:30 Uhr
Programme Director for Cooperative Study Programmes
Building B | Room 106b
Schneidershof | 54293 Trier
Phone: +49 651 / 81 03 - 312
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