Research days at Trier University of Applied Sciences

For many years, Trier University of Applied Sciences has been the strongest research university for applied sciences in Rhineland-Palatinate

Numerous applied research and artistic development projects are implemented on our three campuses on a daily basis with our partners in the region, Germany, Europe and the world.

With the first cross-campus research days, we gave our guests a lively impression of applied research at Trier University of Applied Sciences in summer 2023: On the afternoon of 28 June 2023, the focus was on research in the university's profile topics - sustainability, digitalization and health. On the morning of June 29, 2023, everything revolved around young researchers.


Lisa Lill-Kochems
Lisa Lill-Kochems, M. Sc.
Referentin für Wissens- und Technologietransfer


+49 6782 17-1591


Birkenfeld | Building 9917 | Room 149


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