Cooperating Partners - Companies, Organisations and Vocational Schools

Companies and Organisations

Cooperative Study courses offer companies and organisations a special means of recruiting and retaining staff. They are not only an attractive instrument in personnel management for large companies, but also give small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to counteract the lack of skilled workers in a targeted manner.

In the Nonprofit and NGO Management study programme, we cooperate with nonprofit institutions (NPOs) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).  These organisations include, for example, nature conservation associations, welfare and social services, environmental protection agencies, unions, foundations, political parties, educational institutions.

Advantages for cooperating partners
  • Secure highly qualified junior staff
  • Possibilty to adapt the training with regard to the needs of the company / the organisation
  • Long-term commitment of students to the company / the organisation
  • Cost-savings for recruiting and training the staff
  • Transfer of knowledge between the company and the University via the students
  • Marketingtool in the competition for  junior employees and apprentices
Selection process of applicants

The candidates are being selected by the cooperating partner taking into account the university entrance qualification and further requirements of the respective coooperative degree programme.



Training Requirements

In case you would like to opt for an apprenticeship-integrated study programme, your company should fulfill the requirements that are mandatory for vocational training ( "duale Ausbildung"). The local chambers will also be happy to assist with information.


How to become a cooperating partner

If you are interested in becoming a cooperating partner of the TUAS please get in touch with us an we will provide you with further details.

Once you have decided to become a practice partner, the head of the programme in question will check whether a cooperation is possible and talk you through the details. Of course it is also possible to enter into cooperation for several study programmes.

In case the cooperation would be possible a cooperation agreement is concluded between the company / the organisation and the university, in which, among other things, time schedules, obligations of the contractual partners and contact persons in the cooperative study programme are established.

Einen Musterkooperationsvertrag können Sie nachstehend als PDF Datei herunterladen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Ausgestaltung eines Kooperationsvertrags studiengangabhängig ist und ein endgültiger Vertrag somit Abweichungen oder Zusätze zu diesem Mustervertrag aufweisen kann.

Musterkooperationsvertrag für Unternehmen.pdf

Vocational Schools

A list of vocational schools cooperating with us can be found on the page of the respective therapy-related course of study. Applications for a training place are sent directly to the cooperating vocational school (Berufsfachschule).



Coordination office for Cooperative Study Programmes

Building A | Room 112a
Schneidershof | 54293 Trier
Phone: +49 651 / 81 03 - 209


Core hours: Mo.-Fr. 08:00-11:30 Uhr



Programme Director for Cooperative Study Programmes

Building B | Room 106b
Schneidershof | 54293 Trier
Phone: +49 651 / 81 03 - 312


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