PhD in Energy Efficiency of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
PhD in the field of Machine Learning
PhD in the field of Environmental Planning / Environmental Engineering on the topic of insect diversity
PhD in Sustainable communication strategies for green investments and financial products
PhD in the field of Environmental Planning / Environmental Enginneering on the topic of fermentation of filamentous fungi
Promoviert im Bereich Technik zu der automatisierten shearografischen Detektion für verborgene Defekte
PhD in the field Engineering on the topic of digital holography and shearography
Promoviert im Bereich Umwelt-planung/Umwelttechnik zu optimierten Bioreaktoreinbauten durch additiver Fertigung
PhD in the field of Environmental Planning / Environmental Engineering on production of protease inhibitors using fermentation of fungi
Promoviert im Bereich Umweltwirtschaft/Umweltrecht zu systemischen Aspekten einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung
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