Sustainable Research and Leadership

Academic exchange and interdisciplinary learning are vital for young researchers and their professional development. To foster innovation and exchange, GIRO organized the International PhD Week 2024 providing an excellent educational experience here at Trier! The summer school took place from September 23 to 27, 2024.

Participants of the International PhD Week from over 15 countries in the auditorium of the campus of Art and Design Copyright Pictures: Bastian Franz

Enhancement of Skills

The International PhD Week focused on knowledge transfer and the enhancement of interdisciplinary skills and cross-cutting competences. The program consisted of a variety of workshops and keynotes on the three research areas of Trier University of Applied Sciences: Sustainability, Digitalization, and Health. Through interdisciplinary learning and various networking opportunities, the young researchers from Europe and around the world were able to present their research projects and establish valuable connections. The participants broadened their perspectives and enriched their academic and professional development.

Our project looks back on a successful International PhD Week 2024!
Here is the official press release.

Click to open the PDF version.
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