Incomings for regular studies

New to Trier? - Orientation session for international degree-seeking students

When and where?

Tuesday, 4 March 2025, at 12 pm (CET) online

Please send us an email to international(at) to register for the event.

Join this session to:

  • receive help with orientation at Trier University of Applied Sciences,
  • receive information on important (organisational) matters at the beginning of your studies,
  • and get to know the organisation of your studies.


We are looking forward to meeting you!

Further Information

Degree Programs

You can find information about the degree programs offered at Hochschule Trier here:

Conditions of Admission

University Entrance Qualification

Foreign students applying for acceptance at a German university require a University Entrance Qualification that entitles them to go to university, which in any event is also a requirement for German students.

Admission at a glance

Please check the DAAD admission data base or look at the more detailed website (available only in German) to see if you’re authorized to study at Trier University of Applied Sciences .

If necessary, you must pass a test before the beginning of your studies known as the “Test to determine the suitability of a foreign student for the admission to study at a university in the Republic of Germany" or in German "Prüfung zur Feststellung der Eignung ausländischer Studienbewerber für die Aufnahme eines Studiums an Hochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland" (Feststellungsprüfung).  The Studienkolleg at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern is responsible for the administration of this test for students studying at Trier University of Applied Sciences .

Knowledge of the German Language

If your university entrance qualification is recognized, you may consider beginning your studies; however, you must prove that you have a sufficient understanding of the German language.  In order to prove this, you need to take either the "German language examination for the admission at a university for foreign applicants" (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber/DSH), the TestDaF, or TELC C1 Hochschule.

You do not need take a language examination
- if you completed your "Abitur" school leaving examination at a German-speaking school
- if you passed the Goethe-Institut's Goethe-Zertifikat C1 (formerly: "Kleines or Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom" (KDS or GDS) or the "Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung" (ZOP))
- if you have acquired the "Kultusministerkonferenz" (KMK) German "Sprachdiplom" (Level II)
- if you have passed the TASI C1 Certificate

In order to be approved to study at Trier University of Applied Sciences , a score of at least 2 on the DSH examination must be achieved. Conversely, a minimum score of 4 in four categories on the TestDaF must be achieved.  Unfortunately, Trier University of Applied Sciences offers neither language courses nor the DSH examination.  The TestDaF can be taken in Germany as well as abroad.  For more information about examination dates and centers, please see

Arrival & Transport

Every foreigner who plans to stay in Germany for more than three months needs to register his new domicile with the German authorities at the citizenship office (Bürgeramt - Rathaus) Once you find permanent accommodation (not a hotel) you have two weeks to register your home address at your local Registration Office.


Students from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and from some other countries can enter Germany without a visa. As a rule, all other international students need a visa - especially if they want to stay longer than three months in Germany.

Enquire in advance about the entry regulations which apply for your country! Once you arrive in Germany you must present your visa to the German Foreigners Authority where it will be converted to a residence permit for the purpose of studying.



> AIRPORTS in the region:

- Frankfurt International and Luxembourg Airport -  absolutely our recommendation!
- Frankfurt-Hahn 
- How to get to Trier?

Campus Trier (Main Campus). Trier, population 110,000 habitants.

Distance to Trier:

  • 2 hours from Frankfurt Main
  • 1 hour from Saarbrücken
  • 4 hours from Paris
  • 1 hour from Frankfurt Hahn Airport (70 km)
  • 40 mins. from Luxembourg Airport

Campus Birkenfeld (Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld -UCB). Birkenfeld, population 7,000 habitants.

Distance to Birkenfeld:

  • 45 minutes from Trier
  • 35 minutes from Frankfurt Hahn Airport (40 km)
  •  1 hour from Frankfurt Main Airport

Campus Idar-Oberstein (Jewellery Design). Idar-Oberstein, population 28,300.

Distance to Idar-Oberstein:

  • 1 hour from Trier
  • 45 minutes from Frankfurt Hahn Airport (45 km)
  • 1 hour from Frankfurt Main Airport

NOTE: There is no good public transport between the three campuses (Trier - Birkenfeld - Idar-Oberstein)

With your Student-ID-card (students can get it AFTER arrival and registration at our university ) you can travel without costs with Bus in Trier (SWT TRIER) and by Train (Bahn) for maximal 100 km (Saarbrücken or Coblenz are included).


On the website (in German) of the Studiwerk Trier you find information about house area and accomodation in Trier. 


Applicants with non-German credentials or a non-German academic degree will have to submit their application to the following evaluation agency (details on their web pages):

uni-assist e.V.
D - 10507 Berlin

If you would like to study at a university in Germany, you need a University Entrance Qualification. Furthermore you will need to prove a sufficient knowledge of the German language.

More information DAAD or International Office

German Courses

If you want to study at Trier University of Applied Sciences, you need sufficient knowledge of German. In order to be admitted, you must therefore take an examination to prove your language skills.

You can prove your knowledge of German with the Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) or DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für Hochschulen). You can already take the TestDaF in your home country. You can find information on the examination locations, dates and costs on the Internet at

Trier University of Applied Sciences cooperates with the language school TASI (Trierer Akademie für Sprachvermittlung und Integrationsförderung); with a TASI C1 Certificate, you can start studying right away.

You will find further information on the subject of German language skills and German examinations on the DAAD website.

If you are already studying at Trier University of Applied Sciences and think you need to improve your knowledge of German, you will find a wide range of German courses at TASI and at Volkshochschule Trier.

Graduation Scholarships

The International Office of Trier University of Applied Sciences offers scholarships for international students funded by the DAAD and the Federal Foreign Office. The so-called "Studienabschluss-Stipendium" (graduation scholarship) allows you to study and focus on your final exam.

You can apply for this scholarship if you got good grades and do your finals within 9 months.

application form

Contact information:
Berndt Werner
International Office
Irminenfreihof 8 (Q9)
Office hours: Mo. - Fr. 10 - 11 am

Other scholarships & financial support

Other scholarships and contact information at Trier University of Applied Sciences

General information on scholarships  Stipendien-Datenbank.

Other centers to apply for financial support in Trier:

ESG - Evangelische Studentinnen- und Studentengemeinde
Beratung, Finanzielle Unterstützung, Kontakt

KHG - Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Trier

Darlehen und Zuschüsse

Health Insurance

In Germany, all students must have health insurance. Your health insurance at home can tell you whether you are also insured during your stay in Germany. This may be the case especially in European countries. Students from EU member states can use the blue European health insurance card to prove that they have health insurance in their home country and that the insurance is also valid in Germany. Please ask your insurance company BEFORE(!) you come to Germany, because this will make things a lot easier.

If your own health insurance is not valid in Germany, you should take out insurance immediately after your arrival in Trier. You can either go to a statutory health insurance or to a private insurance. However, the insurance is only effective from the day of your enrolment.

With statutory insurance, you pay the same insurance premium everywhere. The benefits provided by the insurance companies also differ only slightly.

More information can be found at :

Preparatory Language Courses

You can find more information about preparatory language courses at the language school TASI here or directly on the TASI website.

Information for your start at Trier University of Applied Sciences



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