In order to be able to reliably and permanently find, identify and cite physical, digital or abstract objects, designations have been developed that uniquely identify an object and remain the same even if, for example, the name of the object or its storage location changes. They are called "persistent identifiers".
In the field of Open Access publishing, two identifiers are important:
Note: Publications whose publication fees are to be reimbursed from the university's publication fund must have a DOI. Usually, it is assigned by the publisher or journal.
Documents published via the university's publication server OPUS are automatically assigned a URN.
A DOI is a unique identifier for physical, digital or abstract objects. In particular, it is used to identify electronic documents and link them to metadata.
The DOI is permanent: if, for example, the address (URL) of a document changes, the metadata is updated and the DOI remains valid.
DOIs are used worldwide to identify electronic publications and research data and have become an international standard for this type of document.
The leading institution in the application of the DOI system is the non-profit Internationale DOI Foundation (IDF). It is supported by DOI registration agencies whose task is to assign organisation numbers, maintain the technical infrastructure and manage the metadata of DOI publications.
An example of such an agency is DataCite e. V. As a member of DataCite, the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) can act as an issuing agency for DOI names.
If you publish a document via a publisher - e.g. Springer Nature or Wiley - the publisher usually assigns a DOI to your publication (with the corresponding organisation number of the publisher).
No, not for the time being. It can only be assigned by members of the DOI agencies.
A DOI has the form: "10" + prefix (organisation number) + suffix (document number). As part of a URL web address, it can be used to call up the document or the associated provider information. Example:
If you want to use a DOI to search for the corresponding publication, you can proceed as follows:
Depending on the accessibility of the publication, the search will lead you to the full text or to a page with metadata (e.g. to a publisher's page).
How the DOI is included in the bibliographic information of a publication depends on the citation system you have chosen. Two examples:
Note: The specification of a retrieval date is not required in either system, as the content of a DOI-tagged document should not change. Nevertheless, some citation systems may require such a date.
In abstract terms, a URN is an identifier that identifies a physical, digital or abstract resource uniquely, permanently and independently of location. A "resource" can be understood as anything that can be described unambiguously.
A URN is used, among other things, to give digital publications and other electronic documents (e.g. research datasets) a unique name.
URNs are assigned by registration agencies, in Germany for example by the German National Library. The agencies also maintain the resolving mechanism, which ensures the forwarding of a URN to a valid URL address.
If you publish a document via the publication server of Trier UAS, it automatically receives a URN.
A URN has the following basic form:
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