Ada Lovelace-Project

The Ada-Lovelace-Project (ALP) is a county specific mentoring network for girls and young woman in MINT-related subjects. MINT is the german abbreviation for Mathematics, Information technology, natural sciences and engineering.

The Ada-Lovelace-Project is aiming to motivate girls and young women to take up studies in a MINT-related subject and later take up a MINT-related job. Female students of MINT-related subjects of the University of Applied Sciences Trier inform advice and coach female pupils in workshops, school visits, educational fairs etc.

Name sake of the project is Ada Countess of Lovelace (1815 – 1852), who designed programs for computing machines 150 years ago and so – in a time when access to universities, academies and libraries was forbidden to women – displayed great courage.

The project is financed by the county government Rhineland-Palatinate and by the European social funds.

ALP of universities of Trier:

Contact the ALP of the University of Applied Sciences Trier:

Svenja Kohnemann

Hochschule Trier
54293 Trier

Mail: alp(at)

Phone: +49 - 651 - 8103 422

Room: Schneidershof, Room B 151

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