292 results:

221. Felicia Mülbaier MFA

Felicia Mülbaier MFA Master-Thesis: "Absence" Supervision: Prof. Eva-Maria Kollischan, Prof. Theo Smeets "Hartmud Böhme said 'We dream of journeys through the universe: isn't the universe within us?'  This quotation explains

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/graduation-works/felicia-muelbaier-mfa

222. Academic Writing & Critical Thinking

Downloads Jacques Rousseau Jacques Rousseau is a renowned philosopher and has been a lecturer in the Faculty of Management Studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT) since 1998. He is the founder and director of the Free Society Institute, a

URL: /en/international/projects-events/hawinternational/haw-global-innovation-for-sustainable-futures/galerie-der-sdg-projekte/internationale-nachhaltigkeitsprojekte-1-1-1-1-1-1

223. Filigree - Matsché

Teacher: Susanne Matsché (DE) website Course details 26 - 30 AUGUST 2024 duration: 5 days, 35 hrs participants: min. 6 / max. 8 language: English, German, Russian, French  material costs: see "Tools and Supplies" Filigree …

URL: /en/gestaltung/es/study/isa-io/programme-2024alt/filigree-matsche

224. Care for the elderly

According to §14 SGB XI, "in need of care" is defined as people who:  due to physical, mental or psychological illnesses or disabilities  require a considerable or higher degree of assistance for the usual or regularly

URL: /en/university/organisation/services/gsb/family-service/care-for-the-elderly

225. Roadshow Sustainable Development

To Project Homepage Project management at Trier University of Applied Sciences: Sustainable action is essential to ensure the future viability of municipalities. For this purpose, innovative paths must be taken that improve the economic

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/research/projects/discover-projects/roadshow-sustainable-development

226. Adriana Almeida Meza MFA

"Women affected by rape suffer a psychic trauma that is silenced. Trauma is an excessive psychic disturbance. Thus, a work of reconstruction must be done: a recollection of thoughts to reawaken the memories, to re-develop the speech, because

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/graduation-works/adriana-almeida-mfa

227. Semester fees and charges

The current semester fee for the gemstone and jewellery courses is 215,40 € for first enrollees. This is the sum of the following amounts: ASTA: 16,00 €  Semester ticket: 176,40€ Chip card: 23,00€ Delivery fee: 1,60€

URL: /en/gestaltung/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/landingpages/semesterfee-io

228. Refoplan 2018

Projects in Green Software Engineering Following the expert hearing in Berlin in October, the award criteria for a Blue Angel for energy- and resource-efficient software were revised in line with the feedback from the experts. The revised version

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/green-software-engineering/refoplan-2018

229. Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke

    Pergolas for the Federal Garden Show Munich     Annweiler forestry depot at Trifels     Fountain and community square Dienstweiler     Environmental sports

URL: /en/gestaltung/architektur/faculty/fachrichtung-seiten/professors/prof-dr-matthias-sieveke

230. Prof. Dr. Anna Schneider

Arnold, R., Schneider, A., & Lennartz, J. (2020). Interoperability of interpersonal communications services – A consumer perspective. Telecommunications Policy, 44(3). doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2020.101927 Arnold, R., &

URL: /en/main-campus/wirtschaft/department/persons/professors/prof-dr-anna-schneider

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