289 results:

191. Software

Software daily updated GIS software overview:  https://www.geobranchen.de/mediathek/gis-software-verzeichnis/category/gis-softwarekategorie  Canadian Spatial Reference System Precise Point Positioning (CSRS-PPP):

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/umweltinformationssysteme/uebungen-daten-software/software

192. WLAN

Remove old "profile" first settings --> WLAN --> i : "ignore this network" (if possible). settings --> general --> profile --> eduroam: "remove profile". Restart! connect to the internet via the "FH-Trier.de-WebAAA"-WLAN or via

URL: /en/main-campus/campus/organisation/service-facilities/rzht/it-services-search/wlan

193. Energy and Climate

Glacier Monitoring: https://wgms.ch/ The World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS) and its predecessor organizations have been collecting standardized information on glacier changes for over a century. This is achieved through the WGMS's annual

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/umweltinformationssysteme/systembeispiele/energie-klima

194. LithoMania

Design Talk 19.03.2022 Information and Registration Exhibition tour Presskit download Links www.smb.museum LithoMania @ SMB www.arnoldsche.com  The gemstone and jewellery department will exhibit from 20.01.2022 to 03.04.2022

URL: /en/gestaltung/es/projektgalerie/lithomania

195. Nga Ching Ko is "Designers in Residence" scholarship holder 2022 of the city of Pforzheim

EMMA - Kreativzentrum Pforzheim awards a "Designers in Residence" scholarship to Nag Ching Ko (MFA 2021) Every year from April to June the city of Pforzheim invites international young designers as part of the scholarship program “Designers in

URL: /en/gestaltung/campus/aktuelles/news/news-detail/nga-ching-ko-is-designers-in-residence-scholarship-holder-2022-of-the-city-of-pforzheim

196. Publications

Publications Publications 2019 Becker, Wieland (2019): Round timber projects in urban design; 9e Forum International Bois Construction FBC 2019; Nancy Lambert, Thomas; Becker, Wieland; Bender, Michél (2019): Holz-Beton-Verbunddeckensysteme in

URL: /en/gestaltung/reasearch-and-projects/research/holzkompetenzzentrum/research/publications

197. Student/in Incoming Exchange Student

Ask your international office/department whether your university has an agreement with Trier University of Applied Sciences. There you will also get information about the application procedure at your university. The International Office of

URL: /en/international/incomings/students/studentin-incoming-exchange-student

198. Automotive Engineering (B.Eng.)

The programme has a standard period of study of 7 semesters. It begins with three semesters of training in the basic subjects before specific further training in the specific specialisation subjects. The study programme consists of a combination

URL: /en/main-campus/engineering/study/study-further-education/bachelor-degree-programmes/automotive-engineering

199. Campus Company

Contact Christoph Frick Managing Director phone: +49 6782 17-1102 fax: +49 6782 17-1100 e-mail: c.frick(at)campus-company.eu Living, learning, working. According to this slogan the Campus Company GmbH has made it its business to unite

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/life-on-campus/partner/campus-company

200. B.A.U.M. e.V.

B.A.U.M. e.V. was founded in 1984 as the first non-partisan environmental initiative of the economy and today, with 550 members, it is Europe's largest network for the promotion of environmental and sustainability commitment in the economy.

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/life-on-campus/partner/baum-ev

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