A project that creates innovative recruitment and qualification paths for young scientists and professors at Trier University of Apllied Sciences.
A project developing a fully compostable sandal alternative made from coconut & pineapple fibers.
A project that uses Mika Rottenberg's video installation 'NoNoseKnows' to explore how aspects of our contemporary capitalism are reflected in the visual arts.
A project that develops a very light foam concrete, making construction more ecological, energy efficient and economical.
A project that explores the political dimension of clothing.
A project that develops an artificial nose for viticulture.
A project that performs an art-historical analysis of the work of Joseph Beuys and links it to the semantics of the devotional images of the 15th century.
A project developing sustainable waste management in the peri-urban fringe district of North Beijing.
A project in which students explore how the population of organisms changes in the development areas in the Hunsrück-Hochwald National Park.
A project that automates the creation and maintenance of product data in e-commerce using machine learning.
A project that informs municipalities nationwide about the results of FONA research and develops sustainability management with them.
A project that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop an "Alexa with a PhD".
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