Business School

Application for Study Abroad in Suse 2025

Dear Students,

with this email we would like to motivate you for a semester/year abroad in summer semester 2025 at one of our partner universities and will gladly accept your applications:

Application period: 1 to 22 August


      1. Please note the admission requirements that must be met in order to start a year/semester abroad: IB (PO 2021)
      2. Double check that you meet the requirements of our partner university (e.g. language requirements and in some cases also a certain average grade)
      3. Please indicate in your application three partner universities you are interested in, but at least two partner universities.
      4. Each student can only be nominated at one partner university.


  1. Log in to Open OLAT. If you have not registered there yet please follow the instructions in the attachment. Please use your university email address and username so we can allocate your application to you later on.
  2. Fill out the application form: (Password: StudyAbroad_SoSe_2025).

PLEASE NOTE: The form will not be available before 1 August.

  1. In late January / early March we will inform you at which partner university we will nominate you. We will make every effort to consider your priorities.
  2. Nominations to partner universities will be made by the International Business office between September and November 2024 (depending on the nomination periods of the partner university). We will contact you individually and go through the application procedure with you. Therefore, please check your university email account weekly starting in September!
  3. After your nomination you will receive information from the partner university on how to submit your application documents.

Partner Universities

An overview of all partner universities as well as several experience reports (in German) can be found on the Business School’s homepage.

At many partner universities, studying in English is very possible, e.g. at the:

For a study-abroad semester in summer semester, please always have a close look at the academic calendar of the partner universities. Many already start their study period in January or February.

If you need further information about our partner universities or the application process, you can always contact Mrs. Schätz- Al Mahamid or the contact persons mentioned on the homepage.

I am looking forward to your registrations.

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