International Business (B.A.)


The language requirements for the International Business degree programme have been changed and an updated list of recognised language certificates has been published. You can find more information here (in German).

Are you interested in business processes, and would like to work in an international environment and discover the world? Then the International Business degree programme is right for you and you can take the next step into your future with us. In addition to a hands-on business education in english language, you will acquire important methodological knowledge in associated subject areas and train valuable skills. You have the opportunity to specialize in a particular subject area and/or language, depending on your interests and inclinations.

Go out into the world - from Japan to Spain to the USA!

During your studies, you will spend a year at one of our numerous partner universities worldwide, where you can apply and intensify the knowledge you have acquired, get to know other cultures and make important international connections. The professional, linguistic and personal development during your year abroad prepares you for activities in an international company or for employment in other countries.

What career opportunities are there?

After graduation, there will be a wide range of perspectives and options in the professional world. Due to the theoretical knowledge learned in English in combination with the practicality of the course, as well as the one-year stay abroad, graduates can take on cross-industry activities worldwide. The optional specialisation offers the opportunity to specialise and thus focus on a professional future in a chosen field.

Conceivable employers after graduation are companies in the fields of industry, administration, trade, banking or insurance, management consultancy, auditing and tax consultancy.

How is the study programme structured?

The English language focus throughout the degree programme at Trier University of Applied Sciences is intended to enable students to attend lectures, tutorials, seminars and other courses at a foreign partner university without any particular difficulties.

The degree programme is designed as a 7-semester full-time degree programme and has a modular structure. The first 4 semesters consist of compulsory modules, which on the one hand include basic and important subject areas such as Management, Economics, Accounting & Taxation, Marketing, Corporate Finance and Intercultural Management, and also coordinated quantitative modules (e.g. Applied Mathematics and Applied Statistics), which prepare the students for scientific work and are finally applied in a seminar.

The internationality of the degree programme is ensured on the one hand by the continuous teaching of business administration in English and on the other hand by the internationally oriented content of the courses.

In addition to the usual foundation subjects, the degree programme offers the possibility of taking voluntary electives in which knowledge of another foreign language (Spanish, Chinese, French) can be built up or improved. This should enable students to take courses in a foreign language other than English during the year abroad.

In the course of the compulsory year abroad in the 5th and 6th semesters, students can choose corresponding English-language courses at one of around 80 partner universities of the department. In addition, they can acquire a subject-related as well as a linguistic focus in another chosen foreign language.

Foreign students with good German language skills have the option of spending their last two semesters at Trier University of Applied Sciences.

The final 7th semester can be completed in Germany or abroad in the form of a practical study phase (internship with international relevance), followed by the Bachelor's thesis. Both do not necessarily require a return to Trier.

Which degree is achieved?

After successfully completing your studies, you will be awarded the university degree "Bachelor of Arts" and this entitles you to pursue a Master’s degree.

How do I apply?

a) Applicants who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification in Germany such as

  • Abitur (general higher education entrance qualification)
  • Fachabitur (entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences)
  • Studienkolleg or
  • special admission for vocationally qualified persons

apply via the online portal of Trier University of Applied Sciences.

b) Applicants who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad (international students)

Applications via Uni Assist for the winter semester 2023/2024 will be possible by 31 July 2023.

Foreign applicants applying for admission to a higher education institution in Germany require a higher education entrance qualification in the same way as German applicants.

You must demonstrate a certain knowledge of the English language. In addition, applicants must demonstrate a basic knowledge of German (A2 level according to the CEFR).

Please check in the DAAD admissions database or at whether you can be admitted directly to a degree programme at Trier University of Applied Sciences with your higher education entrance qualification.

All applicants with foreign school-leaving certificates must apply via the Uni Assist service point. Before you open an account with Uni Assist, please check for the country-specific documents required for an application. In order to record your personal data, you will also be asked about your educational history and language skills. You can then use the university search in the Uni Assist portal to find Trier University of Applied Sciences and its current range of courses. A detailed description of the further steps and the documents to be submitted can be found here.

The following documents must be submitted to uni-assist:

  • University entrance qualification ("school leaving certificate" or, depending on the country/education, further certificates such as admission tests), certified/notarized and translated into German or English
  • Language certificate
  • Copy of identity card
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Residence permit (if already available)
How do I get the student visa?

After having received an admission to our programme, please apply for a student visa at the German embassy in your home country. Since a visa process can take several months, we kindly suggest applying for an appointment as soon as you receive our admission letter. Usually, you will have to present the following documents in order to apply for a visa:

  • Admission letter from our university
  • Certificate confirming health insurance cover
  • Proof of financial resources
  • Certificate of English language or an equivalent

Important: Do not enter Germany as tourist. A tourist visa cannot be converted into a student visa.

Do I need health insurance?

All students at German universities need to have health insurance. It has to be an appropriate student health insurance that covers the entire period of your stay (and travel insurance will not cover you).

Your insurance company will then send you a certificate, that you will need to hand in. You can find more information about health insurance on the DAAD’s website.

What job opportunities are there?

General information

If you want to get a job while studying, you can find general restrictions and legal regulations under the following link:

Information concerning jobs in Trier

You can find further information about jobs, internships and advisory services you here:

How do I find accommodation?

The search for accommodation is an important step before you come to Trier. Students must take care of their own housing arrangements based on their own wishes and requirements. There are different options ranging from dormitories to privately arranged flat shares and individual apartments. You should start looking for accommodation early, finding accommodation at the beginning of the semester can be rather challenging.

Below you will find more detailed information about the accommodation options:

If you have any further questions, please contact the International Office.

What contact and counselling options are there?

If you have general questions about studying International Business at the Business School, please contact our International Business coordinator within the department.

General questions regarding application, admission and enrolment can be answered by the Study Service of Trier University of Applied Sciences.

At a glance

  • Goal: Business administration training with an international focus and a high level of professional / linguistic qualifications
  • Start of studies: winter semester (October)
  • Degree: Bachelor of Arts
  • Standard period of study: 7 semesters, two of them abroad (210 ECTS)
  • Teaching language: english
  • Requirements: general higher education entrance qualification (allgemeines Abitur) , entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences (Fachabitur) or special access for professionally qualified persons. In addition: language requirements
  • Admission: not subject to entrance qualification grade restrictions
  • Tuition fees: none tuition fees, only semester fees
  • Application deadline ws 24/25: Application deadline for applicants with German higher education entrance qualification 15.09.2024; application deadline for applicants with foreign higher education entrance qualification at uni-assist until 31.07.2024


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Prof. Dr. Jörg Henzler
Studiengangsleiter International Business


Schneidershof I Building K I Room 202


Wednesday, 02:00 pm and by arrangement
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