Quick links for students

On this page, you will find links to essential information pages concerning students.


Semester Schedule

The current semester schedule and all-important semester dates can be found here.


Academic Counselling

Here you can find Individual Counselling and Servicesof the Trier University of Applied Sciences


Canteen Schedule

You can find the canteen schedule of the main campus under the following link:



You can use the QIS System to manage your examinations and the assessments you have attained.



You can manage your courses using Stud.IP



Student Service

The pages of the study service can be found under the following link:


Family Service

Finding a balance between academic/student/professional life and family life presents parents with a considerable challenge in many respects.

With the aim of improving the compatibility of university studies/career with the family situation, the Trier University of Applied Sciences  set up a family service at the Equal Opportunities Office

You can find Family Service at the University of Applied Sciences Trier here


Studying with a disability

Hier you will find information about studying with a disability.



Financial study assistance

You can find information on Financial study assistance options hier


Career Service

Hier you find information about the Career Services.


Job Fair

Information about the Job Fair can be found here hier


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