Search: Computer Science & Medical Informatics

What do I find here?

On this page, a number of search tools are compiled for you, which can be used in addition to the Discovery System of the library for research in the fields of computer science and medical informatics:

  • licensed and partly free databases
  • research portals
  • other information resources.

For independent searches for subject-specific research resources, you can use metasearch tools:

Databases (licensed)

  • Link: Nautos
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subject: General; Architecture, Civil Engineering and Surveying; Chemistry; Electrical Engineering, Measurement and Control; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Fisheries, Home Economics, Nutrition; Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Production Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy, Transport Engineering, Precision Mechanics; Law; Technology in General; Process Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Technology
  • Database type: Full texts, references
  • Contents: Nautos is the standards database of Beuth-Verlag and holds more than 2.5 million records from 27 countries for you. The database contains standards, technical rules, German legal regulations with technical relevance, VDI guidelines as well as European and international rules (e.g. CEN / CENELEC / ISO / IEC). The following can be searched as full texts:
    • DIN standards without VDE designation,
    • DIN-EN standards.
  • Note on rights of use: The full texts accessible via the licence may only be used by members of Trier University of Applied Sciences within the framework of the copyright law. Passing on to third parties is not permitted. Any unauthorised reproduction, disclosure to third parties or systematic download constitutes an infringement of rights liable to compensation and is punishable by law.
  • Link: ScienceDirect (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references
  • Contents: ScienceDirect is the online portal of the Elsevier publishing group and offers references and full texts of electronic journals and e-books. The database provides access to numerous peer-reviewed journals in the fields of natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
  • Links: SpringerLink (Campus computer, VPN), SpringerLink (Shibboleth)
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN, Shibboleth
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (i. a. e-books, e-articles), references
  • Contents: Licensed are the packages:

    - Business and Economics (2010 to 2015)
    - Business and Management (as of 2016)
    - Earth and Environmental Science (as of 2009)
    - Economics (as of 2007)
    - Economics and Finance (as of 2016)
    - Energy (2013 to 2020 and as of 2025)
    - Technology and Computer Science (as of 2010)
VDE Standards Library Online
  • Link: VDE Standards Library Online
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subject areas: electrical engineering, electronics, information technology
  • Database type: full texts (read only), references
  • Contents: VDE is the abbreviation for the Association of German Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies. The VDE defines regulations and guidelines that serve the safety of the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology and publishes them as VDE standards. The entire VDE body of regulations comprises several thousand valid DIN VDE standards, which are updated automatically. Groups 0 to 8 of the standards are unlocked for university members (including VDE guidelines, DIN-EN, DIN-IEC-EN standards, etc.).
  • Search hints:
    • If you are searching for "VDE 0687", for example, please always search with the leading "0", i.e. "0687" and not "687". The prefix "VDE" can be omitted.
    • Currently, no PDF download or print option is offered for full texts of standards. They are only displayed in the browser window.
  • Help: YouTube-Channel
Wiley Online Library
  • Link: Wiley Online Library (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references (also: books, reference works)
  • Contents (DBIS): The "Wiley Online Library" is a multidisciplinary publishing portal that offers a variety of sources under one interface: electronic journals, books and book series as well as reference works published by Wiley / Wiley-VCH. The portal offers search options under various aspects including access to abstracts and full texts of open access journals. With purchased licenses, further full texts can be accessed.
  • Link: wiso
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: Economics, social sciences, psychology, law, technology
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles, newspaper articles), facts (company and market information)
  • Contents: The wiso database offers various media formats in the fields of economics and social sciences, psychology, law and technology. The University of Trier has licensed access to the module "journals" for its members. It makes it possible to access more than thirteen million German and English-language full texts from national and international (practitioner) journals, for example in the fields of 'Marketing & Advertising', 'Electrical Industry', 'IT', 'Legislation' or 'Environmental Management'.

Databases (partly free)

ACM Digital Library
  • Link: ACM Digital Library
  • Access: licence required, partly free content
  • Subject: i. a. computer science, computer technology
  • Database type: full text, references
  • Content (info DBIS): Search the electronic publications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): journals, congress reports, newsletters, reviews, special interest groups, etc.; with access to the full text, usually offered as PDF.
  • Link:
  • Access: free
  • Subject: computer science, mathematics, physics, economics
  • Database type: full text
  • Content (info DBIS): E-print server for the rapid publication of research results. is a major open access source for scientific articles from astronomy, computer science, mathematics and physics and related sub-disciplines.
  • Link: DBLP Computer Science Bibliography
  • Access: free
  • Subject: computer science
  • Database type: references
  • Content (info DBIS): The database contains literature references on computer science and has been compiled by Michael Ley / University of Trier since 1994. It has evolved from the focus on databases and logic programming (DataBase systems and Logic Programming) and provides a comprehensive overview of the international research literature in computer science. Primarily articles from journals and series and from available proceedings of conferences on computer science are referenced. Browsing by journals or conferences is a special feature of the database. The database also contains numerous links to the homepages of computer scientists.

    Referenced literature forms: Journal articles, congress reports and others.
    Size: about 5.5 million references.
    Reporting period: from the 1960s onwards, significant increase in literature references from the mid-1990s onwards.

IEEE Xplore
  • Link: IEEE Xplore
  • Access: licence required, partly free content
  • Subject: i. a. computer science, electrical engineering
  • Database type: full texts, references
  • Content (info DBIS, state 05/2023): Full-text access to over 5 million IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) publications:

    - 1.2 million articles in 203 IEEE journals
    - 4 million IEEE congress papers
    - 4,900 IEEE standards
    - depending on the size of the licence: 6,000 e-books from various publishers (including Morgan & Claypool, MIT press, Now Publishers).

Research portals

  • Link: DigiBib (Digital Library)
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Link collection: Under the tab "Additional E-Media", the DigiBib offers you a collection of database and website links from the field of information technology.
  • Link: Specialist Information Service Mathematics (fidmath)
  • Subjects: mathematics, computer science
  • Description (DBIS): The research portal of the Specialized Information Service Mathematics (fidmath) offers a central search entry for many mathematical information sources (including library catalogs, collections of reviews, preprint servers, magazines, mathematically relevant websites). It is based on the Virtual Library of Mathematics (vifamath). In addition to an overall search in all connected sources, the subject information service also offers separate search entries into the various source types as well as a thematic-hierarchical approach. The “specialized information service mathematics” is funded by the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB Göttingen) and the Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB Hannover). Both libraries are supported by the Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO). It is a DFG project that aims to develop an infrastructure for the supraregional provision of mathematical literature and information as well as related services (State: 05/2018).
TIB Portal
  • Link: Technical Information Library (TIB-Portal)
  • Subjects: Architecture, civil engineering and surveying, chemistry, electrical engineering, measurement and control technology, energy, environmental protection, nuclear technology, computer science, mathematics, physics, technology in general
  • Description (DBIS): Launched in January 2016, the TIB portal brings together the previous websites of the “Technische Informationsbibliothek” and the University Library Hannover. The former portal for technology and science "GetInfo" is now also integrated into the new TIB portal. Through this new portal, the TIB offers access to several million data sets from specialist databases, publishing offers and library catalogs (State: 05/2018).


Associations, Societies and Initiatives
  • ACM
    Association for Computing Machinery
  • German Informatics Society
    Largest professional association for computer science in the German speaking area
  • German UPA
    German Usability Professionals Association
  • IEEE Computer Society
    Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • think ING.
    Young engineers' initiative of the employers' association Gesamtmetall
E-Books: Open Access Sources
  • dpunkt.openbooks
    Free e-books of the dpunkt.verlag: storage networks, software development, Java, C++ and others (German)
  • O'Reilly OpenBooks
    selected free O'Reilly e-books (with newsletter): HTML5, CouchDB, Linux a. o. (German)
  • Rheinwerk openbook
    HTML versions of complete titles from Rheinwerk Verlag: Java, Programming Apps, Ubuntu and others (German)

Web Editing Library

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