Specialist databases

What do specialist databases offer me?

With the help of free or licensed subject databases, you can search for scientific information beyond the library stock. Their content usually meets scientific criteria.  

Use ...

  • subject-specific databases, e.g. to search for literature references, full texts or facts from a specific subject area.
  • multidisciplinary databases, e.g. to search for literature references, full texts or facts from several subject areas.
  • metasearch tools to find subject databases relevant to you.

Licensed databases & more

DATEV Students online: LEXinform
  • Link: DATEV Students online
  • Access: campus computers, VPN
  • Subjects: finance, law, economics, administrative science, taxation
  • Database type: full texts, e-learnings, software
  • Contents: The learning platform DATEV Students i. a. offers access to the database "LEXinform Steuern, Recht und Wirtschaft". It is a comprehensive database on national and international tax law, business and civil law and business administration. The DATEV platform also offers you:

    - programs on accounting, auditing, enterprise analysis, taxation and others
    - e-learning (including credits)
    - reference works on family law, accounting, tax declaration i. a.
    - expertise systems
Haufe Finance Office Professional & Steuer Office Kanzlei
  • Link: Haufe Finance Office Professional & Steuer Office Kanzlei
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subject: law, economics
  • Database type: full texts
  • Contents: The database offers a wide range of practice-oriented information in the fields of accounting, tax, controlling and finance. In addition to researching specialist content, it enables the use of numerous interactive tools (such as ABC analysis, ESt calculator, IFRS equity valuation). Legal foundations and work aids such as forms, sample letters, checklists etc. complete the offer.
Nautos (Perinorm)
  • Link: Perinorm
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subject: architecture, civil engineering and surveying, chemistry, electrical engineering, measurement and control technology, agriculture and forestry, horticulture, fisheries, home economics, nutrition, mechanical engineering, materials science, manufacturing technology, mining and metallurgy, traffic engineering, precision engineering, medicine, general technology
  • Database type: Full texts, references, facts
  • Rights of use: The full texts accessible via the licence may only be used by members of Trier University of Applied Sciences within the boundaries of the copyright law. Passing on to third parties is not permitted. Passing on to third parties is not permitted. The exact terms of use can be found on the database website under "Info" > "Terms & Conditions".

  • Contents: Perinorm allows you, among other things

    • full-text search for DIN standards without VDE identification,

    • full-text search for DIN-EN standards,

    • search for the bibliographic data of more than two million national, European and international standards as well as technical regulations (VDI guidelines, ISO standards, etc.).

  • Guidance: Perinorm offers you, among other things, the possibility to search for a standard or guideline with the help of the document number:

    1. Open Perinorm (via campus computer or VPN).
    2. Switch to the English surface (top bar).
    3. Enter the document number, e.g. 748 for DIN 748-1 or 690 for DIN ISO 690. a) Simple search mask: Tick the box "Search in document number only" below the search line. b) Advanced search mask: Select the field "Document identifier+" for entry.
    4. Submit the search via the "Search" button.
    5. You receive a hit list. The current editions of the standards are placed at the top.
    6. If the standard you are looking for is available as full text, you will see a blue bordered document symbol with or without a country flag on the left.
    7. Click on the symbol. The full text is made available.

    Note: Please note that a document number can apply to more than one standard. For example, searching with "748" will lead you to DIN 748-1 (shaft ends) and DIN EN 748 (playing field equipment).

    Detailed instructions and further search aids can be found here:
    Perinorm userguide
    Perinorm manual
    Collection of technical rules

Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre (NHHL)
  • Link: Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre (NHHL)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: Pedagogy, Higher education pedagogy
  • Database type: Full texts
  • Contents: The journal is aimed at actors in all areas of higher education teaching and didactics and supports them with quality-assured expert contributions in the planning, design and reflection of teaching and learning in higher education or the framework conditions. You will find contributions from the following subject areas, among others:
    • Fundamentals of university didactics
    • Planning of university courses
    • Teaching methods and learning situations
    • Use of media
    • Key skills and academic work
    • Examinations and performance assessments
    • Evaluation and quality management
    • Development of framework conditions and study systems
    • University didactic training and further education.
NWB Database
  • Link: NWB-Datenbank
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: law, economics
  • Database type: full texts, references
  • Contents: The online database of the publisher nwb (Neue Wirtschaftsbriefe) contains in various modules a comprehensive electronic range of tax and commercial law. Included are i. a.: trade journals of the publisher in full text, e. g.: BBK-accounting, inheritance and property (capital/assets), IWB - International Tax and Business Law, NWB - Tax and Business Law, StUB - company taxes and balance sheets, commenting works, bibliographic evidence ("Fachpresse kompakt"), legal decisions, administrative instructions (BMF letters, OFD / LFD orders, decrees of the Ministry of Finance, etc.), laws and directives (tax law, commercial law, double taxation agreements), tools (calculation programs, forms, checklists, sample contracts and letters etc.)
  • Link: PubMed
  • Access: partely freely available
  • Subjects: Medicine, pharmacy, biology, chemistry, agriculture and forestry, horticulture, fisheries, home economics, nutrition
  • Database type: full texts, references
  • Contents: PubMed contains the MEDLINE database published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine® (NLM), which covers the fields of medicine, dentistry, pre-clinical subjects, health care, nursing, veterinary medicine, etc., but also peripheral areas such as biology, biochemistry, psychology, or sports medicine. More than 5,200 biomedical journals are evaluated for MEDLINE. In addition, PubMed offers access to new MEDLINE citations that have not yet been fully processed. Furthermore, "links" to related articles and to full-text articles are provided.
  • Link: ScienceDirect (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references
  • Contents: ScienceDirect is the online portal of the Elsevier publishing group and offers references and full texts of electronic journals and e-books. The database provides access to numerous peer-reviewed journals in the fields of natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.
  • Links: SpringerLink (Campus computer, VPN), SpringerLink (Shibboleth)
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN, Shibboleth
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (i. a. e-books, e-articles), references
  • Contents: Licensed are the packages:

    - Business and Economics (2010 to 2015)
    - Business and Management (as of 2016)
    - Earth and Environmental Science (as of 2009)
    - Economics (as of 2007)
    - Economics and Finance (as of 2016)
    - Energy (2013 to 2020 and as of 2025)
    - Technology and Computer Science (as of 2010)
  • Link: Statista
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary, ecomonics
  • Database type: facts (statistical data)
  • Contents: Statista is one of the world's first statistics portals that professionally aggregates statistical data from various institutes and sources. At Statista.com, users can find statistics on over 80,000 topics from more than 18,000 different sources. Statista covers 20 different industry categories from agriculture to administration and social affairs.
VDE Standards Library Online
  • Link: VDE Standards Library Online
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subject areas: electrical engineering, electronics, information technology
  • Database type: full texts (read only), references
  • Contents: VDE is the abbreviation for the Association of German Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies. The VDE defines regulations and guidelines that serve the safety of the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology and publishes them as VDE standards. The entire VDE body of regulations comprises several thousand valid DIN VDE standards, which are updated automatically. Groups 0 to 8 of the standards are unlocked for university members (including VDE guidelines, DIN-EN, DIN-IEC-EN standards, etc.).
  • Search hints:
    • If you are searching for "VDE 0687", for example, please always search with the leading "0", i.e. "0687" and not "687". The prefix "VDE" can be omitted.
    • Currently, no PDF download or print option is offered for full texts of standards. They are only displayed in the browser window.
  • Help: YouTube-Channel
Wiley Online Library
  • Link: Wiley Online Library (campus computer, VPN)
  • Access: campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: multidisciplinary
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles), references (also: books, reference works)
  • Contents (DBIS): The "Wiley Online Library" is a multidisciplinary publishing portal that offers a variety of sources under one interface: electronic journals, books and book series as well as reference works published by Wiley / Wiley-VCH. The portal offers search options under various aspects including access to abstracts and full texts of open access journals. With purchased licenses, further full texts can be accessed.
  • Link: wiso
  • Access: Campus computer, VPN
  • Subjects: Economics, social sciences, psychology, law, technology
  • Database type: full texts (journal articles, newspaper articles), facts (company and market information)
  • Contents: The wiso database offers various media formats in the fields of economics and social sciences, psychology, law and technology. The University of Trier has licensed access to the module "journals" for its members. It makes it possible to access more than thirteen million German and English-language full texts from national and international (practitioner) journals, for example in the fields of 'Marketing & Advertising', 'Electrical Industry', 'IT', 'Legislation' or 'Environmental Management'.

Metasearch tools

  • Link: Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS
  • Provider: University Library of Regensburg
  • Contens: specialist databases, document servers (repositories), information portals, scientific search engines, other meta search tools
  • Description (by provider): The Database Information System (DBIS) is a cooperative service for the use of scientific databases. This service was developed by the University Library of Regensburg with financial support from the Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the German Research Foundation (DFG). Meanwhile the Database Infosystem is used as a user service in 328 libraries. At the moment the Database Infosystem contains 12687 entries. Of these, 5396 databases are freely available on the Internet. DBIS lists databases whose contents can be searched via a search function (status: 05/2018).
  • Link: Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
  • Provider: University of Nottingham
  • Contents: open access document server
  • Description (by DBIS): directory of scientific full text servers worldwide with freely accessible publications (Open Access) from all subject areas

Web Editing Library

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