Grenzüberschreitende Lehr- und Forschungskooperation für Robotik

Production technology is the key component of the largest economic sector in Germany. The complexity of products, high volumes and high cost as well as quality pressure confront companies with significant challenges today and in the future. These can only be mastered with innovative solutions and specialized knowledge, so that new teaching concepts are required. Within the framework of the Interreg project Robotix-Academy, the team organizes a cross-border, cross-university and exemplary block lecture. Students from different disciplines at Trier University of Applied Sciences, universities in Saarland and students from Luxembourg, Liège and Metz jointly experience fundamental knowledge on the topic of "human-robot cooperation in industrial production" in theory and practice. The students benefit from the novelty, sustainability and intensity of the lecture, exercises, excursions and the cultural framework program.

Target group of the lecture
The aim of the lecture is to give students a holistic understanding of human-robot cooperation in industrial production. Accordingly, the lecture is aimed at all students from engineering and computer science with an interest in production technology, but also in the design and product development of automobiles in particular.

Structure of the lecture
The term "Industry 4.0" as a concept for the design and organization of work processes and the intelligent digital networking of machines, devices and people is on everyone's lips. The increasing digitalization and automation of the working world requires qualifications and knowledge in dealing with machines and their possible applications. Therefore, the lecture is structured in such a way that first an insight into general robotics is given. Based on this, students are given a deeper understanding of the control of robot structures, as well as the basics for path planning of robot systems. Due to the many years of experience of the professors involved in this field, many illustrative examples can be brought into the lecture. One focus is on direct human-robot cooperation. In the course of developing new lightweight robot systems, direct human-robot cooperation is possible without additional protective devices. The project partners are conducting research here in complementary research areas. The students can participate directly in the knowledge gathered there. Through the cooperation, not only the knowledge but also the equipment is shared. In order to ensure a high level of practical relevance in addition to theory, individual lectures are held by experts from production technology.

Structure of the class
In addition to the lecture, practical and demonstrative exercises are carried out together with the students on various demonstrators that have been specially prepared for the lecture. Here, what has been learned theoretically can be put into practice in project works. Groups of five to six students can carry out practical exercises on four demonstrators each and present them to the plenum at the end.

Duration WS 2019- SS 2021
Participants Environmental and Main Campus

Project Management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Vette-Steinkamp
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Vette-Steinkamp
Fachgebiet umweltgerechte Produktionsverfahren und industrielle Robotik


Birkenfeld | Building 9925 | Room 116
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