250 results:

41. Address & Arrival

Web Editing Library Missing information? Broken links? Please send your suggestions and comments to: webredbib[at]umwelt-campus.de Contact details Hochschule Trier Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld Bibliothek Campusallee 9922 (ZN) 55768

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/organisation/administration-services/bibliothek/about-us/address-arrival

42. Pia Groh BFA

www.piagroh.com Pia Groh BFA Bachelor-Thesis: "(K)ein Anfang und kein Ende" Betreuung: Prof. Ute Eitzenhöfer und Prof. Theo Smeets

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/graduation-works/pia-groh-bfa

43. Charlie Sophie Cremer BFA

Contact www.charlies-goldschmiede.de Charlie Sophie Cremer BFA Bachelor-Thesis: "FUSION OF GLASS AND GEMSTONES" Supervision: Prof. Ute Eitzenhöfer und Prof. Theo Smeets

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/graduation-works/charlie-sophie-cremer-bfa

44. Stefan Diemer

Prof. Dr. Stefan Diemer Chair | International Business Communication and Digital Business Director | Institute for International and Digital Business Please refer to this website for further information in English:

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/organisation/fachbereichuwur/sprache-und-kommuniktion/team-lc/stefan-diemer

45. Master's Application

Contact Fachrichtung Innenarchitektur Sekretariat Raum 214 Paulusplatz 4 54290 Trier Phone.: +49 (0)651 8103-140 Fax: +49 (0) 651 8103 146 ina.sekretariat(at)hochschule-trier.de Downloads Admission to the procedure requires a

URL: /en/gestaltung/ina/studies/application/masters-application

46. Projects Intermedia Design

On the external website of the department: www.intermediadesign.de, we show current projects, cooperations with associations and organizations as well as final theses of our students. Are you interested in a specific topic? The following

URL: /en/imd/projekte/projects-intermedia-design

47. UFOPLAN-SSD 2015

Projects in Green Software Engineering Downloads Umwelt Bundesamt http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en Project Partners Öko-Institut, Berlin https://www.oeko.de/en/ University of Zurich, Prof. Lorenz Hilty http://www.ifi.uzh.ch UFOPLAN-SSD

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/research/projekte/green-software-engineering/projects/ufoplan-ssd-2015

48. 2FA - 2-factor authentication

To the Portal: 2fa.hochschule-trier.de IT-Helpdesk: help(at)hochschule-trier.de 2FA-Newsletter: www.listserv.dfn.de/ 2-factor authentication (2FA)

URL: /en/main-campus/campus/organisation/service-facilities/rzht/it-services-search/2fa/overview

49. 2FA - 2-faktor authentication

To the Portal: 2fa.hochschule-trier.de IT-Helpdesk: help(at)hochschule-trier.de 2FA-Newsletter: www.listserv.dfn.de/ 2-faktor authentication (2FA)

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/it-department/it-services/2fa/overview

50. Further funding opportunities

Scholarship-giving organisations The scholarship database of the​​ BMBF offers a good overview of almost all scholarships. Besides, you will also find useful information on MyStipendium Education loan There is a low-interest

URL: /en/international/outgoings/outgoing-students/further-funding-opportunities

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