265 results:

111. Information

The main characteristic of cooperative study programmes is learning at alternating locations. In addition to the scientific training at the TUAS practical training is being provided during the phases spent at a cooperating company. The different

URL: /en/university/organisation/services/cooperative-studies/translate-to-englisch-informationen

112. SooNahe

The Environmental Campus Birkenfeld as a partner in the Regional Quality and Origin Programme SooNahe Since December 2014 the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, the largest educational and research institution in the region, has been supporting the

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/life-on-campus/partner/soonahe

113. Apply Now Sustainable Business and Technology

CONTACT AND CONSULTATION The next program will start in October 2025. Applications are possible for the upcoming winter term and should be submitted via e-mail (sbt@umwelt-campus.de) at the latest by: 15 May 2025 for non-EU

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/study-programmes-continuing-education/bachelor/sustainable-business-and-technology-beng/translate-to-englisch-test-seite-apply-now

114. Apply now

CONTACT AND CONSULTATION Program Coordinator The next program will start in September 2025. Applications are possible for the upcoming winter term and should be submitted via e-mail (sbl@umwelt-campus.de) at the latest by:

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/study-programmes-continuing-education/bachelor/sustainable-business-and-law-ba/apply-now

115. Carl-Zeiss-Foundation supports project "Senior Health Games" at the University of Applied Sciences Trier with 970.000 Euro

Intelligent solutions for an ageing society are an important prerequisite for the future. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch (Intermedia Design, Trier University of Applied Sciences), lecturers at Trier University of Applied Sciences

URL: https://www.hochschule-trier.de/hochschule/aktuelles/news-und-pressemitteilungen/news-detail/carl-zeiss-stiftung-foerdert-projekt-senior-health-games

116. Work exhibition of the Campus of Art and Design in the Kunsthalle Trier

In cooperation with the Kunsthalle Trier, the work show of the Campus presents a best-of of current student works. For the first time, the Design Campus is exhibiting at the Kunsthalle Trier of the European Academy of Art! We cordially invite you

URL: /en/gestaltung/campus/aktuelles/news/news-detail/werkschau-des-campus-gestaltung-in-der-kunsthalle-trier

117. TRANSFORM 2023 – Conference on AI, sustainability, art and design

We take a closer look at the intersection of AI, sustainability, art and design. How does AI affect the social and environmental dimensions of sustainability? How does it affect creative processes? And can designers and artists use these tools and

URL: /en/gestaltung/campus/aktuelles/news/news-detail/ki-winterschool

118. INSEEC BBA Bordeaux

Homepage https://www.inseec.com/en/inseec-campuses/business-school-in-bordeaux-discover-the-inseec-campus/ Campus locations Bordeaux Study level Bachelor Requirements French or Englisch B2 (English test certificate: IELTS academic test passed

URL: /en/main-campus/wirtschaft/international-wir/partner-universities/overview-of-partner-universities/inseec-bba-bordeaux

119. Rhineland-Palatinate Cooperative State University (DHR)

Contact Duale Hochschule Rheinland-Pfalz Geschäftsstelle Erenburgerstr. 19 (Access via Brucknerstr.5) 67549 Worms T.: 06241/509 409 E-Mail: info(at)dualehochschule-rlp.de www.dualehochschule.rlp.de Rhineland-Palatinate Cooperative State

URL: /en/university/organisation/services/cooperative-studies/translate-to-englisch-duale-hochschule-rheinland-pfalz-dhr

120. Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)

The main learning is the safe handling of the entire THW basic equipment, working in a team, the recognition, evaluation and solution of problems, the measures for external and self-protection, etc. The THW basic training comprises

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/life-on-campus/partner/federal-agency-for-technical-relief-thw

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