5 results:

1. Romy Thomm

…Romy Thomm | Studiengangskoordinatorin Fernstudium Informatik, R.Thomm@inf.hochschule-trier.de, +49 651 8103-731, Schneidershof, S-F201

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/romy-thomm-846

2. Andrea Fischer, Diplom-Kauffrau

…Andrea Fischer, Diplom-Kauffrau | Studiengangskoordinatorin Fernstudium Informatik, fischer@hochschule-trier.de, +49 651 8103-793, Schneidershof, S-F202

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/andrea-fischer-850

3. Gabriele Elenz, Dipl. Inf.wiss., Dipl.-Bibl. (FH)

…Gabriele Elenz, Dipl. Inf.wiss., Dipl.-Bibl. (FH) | Studiengangskoordinatorin Fernstudium Informatik, G.Elenz@hochschule-trier.de, +49 651 8103-576, Schneidershof, S-F203

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/gabriele-elenz-129

4. Distance Learning Computer Science

… Contact and study guidance: fernstudium@hochschule-trier.de Studies Studying Computer Science Part-time Are you looking for an alternative to your career? Would you like to communicate competently with your IT colleagues? You have always been interested…

URL: /en/computer-science/distance-learning

5. Prof. Dr. Konstantin Knorr

… FB Informatik, knorr@hochschule-trier.de, +49 651 8103-718, Schneidershof, S-F204a | Studiengangsleiter FB Informatik - Fernstudium Informatik, knorr@hochschule-trier.de, +49 651 8103-718, Schneidershof, S-F204a

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/prof-dr-konstantin-knorr-455

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