A project that determines the service life of high-performance electrical cables under mechanical stress.
A project that can determine isokinetic forces using biomechanical testing methods.
A project in which high-precision laser measurement techniques can be used to find defects in lightweight materials.
A project that investigates the success of crowdfunding projects.
A project that analyzes the price negotiation skills of a company.
A project that investigates the effects of persistent negative interest rates in the banking sector.
A project that enables cross-border cooperation in the foundation of companies in the international Greater Region.
A project that reduces CO2e emissions in greenhouse cultivation by building greenhouses on the roofs of buildings
A project that builds interactive and multimedia labs for digital university teaching.
A project investigating the ecosystem of renaturalized water bodies.
A project that monitors allis shad in the Rhine and studies their spawning behaviour.
A project that builds an innovative communication and research space and embeds thinking and dialogue about materials in everyday university life.
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