
Campus for Design and Art

Biljana Klekachkoska, a jewellery artist from North Macedonia and currently a Master's student in Gemstone and Jewellery, creates an impressive work…

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Campus for Design and Art

The two campuses of Trier University were jointly awarded the "Fairtrade Universities" seal in June. As early as 2020, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld and…

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Campus for Design and Art

On 7 July, the Design Campus invited guests to a festive event entitled "Moving into the Future! It was the first public event after a pandemic break…

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Campus for Design and Art

For the first time, Trier University of Applied Sciences has been given the opportunity to award a work contract for endangered scientists within the…

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Campus for Design and Art

At the end of the year 2020, several innovative and particularly sustainable ideas from students of communication design were awarded prizes at the…

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Campus for Design and Art

Intelligent solutions for an ageing society are an important prerequisite for the future. Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Linda Breitlauch…

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Interior Architecture

Innovative light objects

Innovative light objects

From 14 to 21 October, the furniture exhibition "enLIGHTenment" of the 5th semester of the interior design faculty presented luminaires and lighting…

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Communications Design

On 28 October, Environment Minister Ulrike Höfken invited the winning teams to the awards ceremony in the Electoral Palace in Mainz, including the…

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Campus for Design and Art

In the winter semester 1970/71, a university in Trier opened its lecture halls again - after the old Trier University had closed 172 years earlier. On…

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Campus for Design and Art

On 15 September, Campus Gestaltung invited all prospective students to the - for the first time purely virtual - information day. The six study…

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Press Contact

Campus Gestaltung Dekanat
Irminenfreihof 8
54290 Trier

Frau Selâle Franger
0651 - 8103 850

Frau Susanne Krämer
0651 - 8103 810


Students about the Interdisciplinary Project Week on Campus Design

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