Deanery Faculty of Design

Vice Dean Prof. Theo Smeets, Dean Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke, Vice Dean Prof. Dipl. Des. Dirk Wolfes

Together with the two Vice Deans Prof. Theo Smeets and Prof. Dirk Wolfes, Dean Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke heads the Design Faculty. The staff in the dean's office organizes communication and cooperation between the six fields of design.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke
Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke
Dekan des FB Gestaltung


+49 651 8103-823


Schneidershof | Building D | Room 201
Irminenfreihof | Building Q | Room 8
Prof. Harald Wilhelm Steber
Prof. Harald Wilhelm Steber, Dipl.-Des.
Prodekan FB Gestaltung


Paulusplatz | Building S | Room 109
Prof. Daniel Gilgen
Prof. Daniel Gilgen
Prodekan FB Gestaltung


+49 651 8103-131


Paulusplatz | Building R | Room 102

Contact address

Deanery of the Faculty of Design
Irminenfreihof 8, Raum 8
54290 Trier

Phone.: +49 (0)651 8103843
Fax: +49 (0)651 8103815
Mail: ges.dekanat(at)

Service times:
Mo. - Fr. 09:00-15:00 Uhr


Deanery team

Secretary's office
Herr Reinhard Hanke
Mail: R.Hanke(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-843

Department coordination
Selâle Franger, Dipl.-Des. M.A. 
Mail: s.franger(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-850

Department coordination & innovation assistance
Anne Wiedau, Dipl.-Des. M.A.
Mail: wiedaua(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-810

Deanery assistance
Susanne Krämer, Dipl. Des.
Mail: kraemer(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-810

Quality manager
Dennis Hill, M.Sc. service management
Mail: d.hill(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-819 

project collaborator INTERREG
Emanuela Roca, Magistra of Economy
Mail: roca(at)
Phone: +49(0)651/8103-819 

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