
Campus for Design and Art

On September 24 and 25, 2024, a group from the Nagaoka Institute of Design visited the Campus Gestaltung and took part in a workshop.

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Campus for Design and Art

The student poster series for Werkschau Kommunikationsdesign 2023 won an award in the "100 Best Posters Germany/Austria/Switzerland" competition. A…

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Campus for Design and Art

The University of Rwanda in Kigali has been in a partnership with the Campus of Art and Design for many years. There are regular reciprocal visits in…

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Campus for Design and Art

A delegation from two Taiwanese universities spent a week at Campus Gestaltung in June.

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Campus for Design and Art

At the ADC Festival in Hamburg in June, the winners of the ADC competition were chosen at the big festival with over 70 speakers and around 9,000…

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Campus for Design and Art

At the invitation of Campus Gestaltung, a delegation from the German-Jordanian University in Amman/Jordan visited Trier from May 21 to 25, 2024. It…

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Campus for Design and Art

District Administrator Miroslaw Kowalski was impressed by the premises of the former Zerfaß leather goods factory, which has been used by the gemstone…

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Campus for Design and Art

The two prizes, worth a total of €6,000, go to the outstanding design "Building bridges" by Luisa Herzog, Lukas Kunze, Luca Ligotti and Malte Terboven…

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Campus for Design and Art

Info day on March 21

Info day on March 21

Are you interested in studying creative design at Trier University of Applied Sciences? We cordially invite everyone to come to the information day at…

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Campus for Design and Art

The prize of 1000 euros goes to the outstanding master's thesis "The Groa Foundation" by Jana Heinz, supervised by Prof. Andreas Hogan in typography.

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Press Contact

Campus Gestaltung Dekanat
Irminenfreihof 8
54290 Trier

Frau Selâle Franger
0651 - 8103 850

Frau Susanne Krämer
0651 - 8103 810


Students about the Interdisciplinary Project Week on Campus Design

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