Campus for Design and Art

Exhibition of Communication Design WS 2024/2025

Foto: Nick Sidorenko

On 7 and 8 February 2025, the Communication Design course at Trier University of Applied Sciences presented a selection of the best work from the previous winter semester. This event, which has now become a fine tradition, attracted a large number of visitors on both days, including not only students and staff from the Design campus, but also numerous interested guests from Trier and the region. The entire building on Paulusplatz served as an exhibition space and offered exciting insights into the degree programme.

Works from the fields of three-dimensional design, book design, typography, digital media, drawing, transmedia photography and artistic experiments were presented. The spectrum was complemented by forward-looking projects relating to artificial intelligence, sustainability, society, art and design science.

At the end of the semester, the Bachelor's and Master's theses of the degree programme were also presented in this context, and guests were able to view the exhibited works of the graduates. The corporate design created especially for the event was used throughout the entire event, from the façade banner to the Instagram account.


Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Der Dekan Des Campus Gestaltung, Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke, hielt ein Grußwort. Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Studiengangsleiter Prof. Christopher Ledwig begrüßte die Gäste. Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Auch die Vizepräsidentin der Hochschule, Prof. Dr. Beate Massa, war zu Gast am Paulusplatz. Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
Foto: Nick Sidorenko
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