250 results:

211. Study Exchange Program "Biological, Pharmaceutical and Process Engineering"

Contact Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld Study Coordinator "Study Exchange Program" PO Box 1380 55761 Birkenfeld Germany +49 6782 17-1814 studyprogram(at)umwelt-campus.de  Are you studying biotechnology, pharmaceutical engineering,

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/study-programmes-continuing-education/courses-taught-in-english/study-exchange-program-biological-pharmaceutical-and-process-engineering

212. Welcome

The International Students' Office (ISO) offers various activities on different topics Email iso[at]umwelt-campus.de - further information and registration via the ISO Website. Drop by, get to know people, be a part of the

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/organisation/fachbereichuwur/sprache-kommunikation/indi/en/continuing-education-certificates/programs-for-refugees-and-international-students/welcome

213. RENN.west

The RENN form a regionally organised information and action platform for sustainable development. Its work is based on the goals of Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are also the orientation of the German

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/campus/life-on-campus/partner/rennwest

214. Information for Prospective Students

First try, then study! Many future students have only a very vague picture of their desired course of studies, so that a binding choice of university and course of studies is very difficult. In order to give a first insight into the study at

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/study-programmes-continuing-education/information-for-prospective-students

215. Ceremony 15 Years Campus of Art and Design

On 7 July, the Design Campus invited guests to a festive event entitled "Moving into the Future! It was the first public event after a pandemic break of more than a year, and not only the host, Dean Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke, but also the

URL: /en/gestaltung/campus/aktuelles/news/news-detail/festakt-15-jahre-campus-gestaltung

216. Literature

Term Description Energy efficiency Generally, the amount of “useful work” divided by the amount of energy it requires. In the context of this document, “useful work” is operationalized as the successful execution of standard usage

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/research/projekte/green-software-engineering/set-of-criteria/literature

217. Idar-Oberstein schmückt sich

Idar-Oberstein adorned "Idar-Oberstein adorned" is a series of exhibitions on contemporary jewellery organised by the Department of Gemstones and Jewellery in cooperation with the Jakob Bengel Foundation and the city of Idar-Oberstein. The

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/idar-oberstein-schmueckt-sich

218. [Translate to Englisch:] Prüfungsordnung, Versuchszählung, 1+4-Regelung, Prüfungen während Urlaubssemester

You have registered in a course of study at Environmental Campus Birkenfeld of Trier University of Applied Sciences. Each course of study has their own respective examination regulation or subject examination regulation. In the department

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/information-service/examination-office/translate-to-englisch-pruefungsordnung-versuchszaehlung-1-4-regelung-pruefungen-waehrend-urlaubssemester

219. Vestimental Activism

Vestimental Activism and the Memory of Political Body Practice in the 20th and 21st Centuries A Research Contribution to an Aesthetics of Resistance The discussion of the political dimension of clothing urgently needs new perspectivizations and

URL: /en/gestaltung/reasearch-and-projects/research/discover-research-projects/vestimental-activism

220. Professional qualification

Further success factors Workshop Series Planning International Career Prospects In the workshop "Planning International Career Prospects", participants first work out their personal intercultural competence profile and develop a strategy for

URL: /en/international/projects-events/hawinternational/successfully-shaping-transitions/professional-qualification

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