Katharina Koch won 3rd place in the Fashion Award of the City of Trier with her bachelor collection "s e l b s t l e s e n d" - which was awarded during the "Wild" fashion show on 24 October 2015 in Trier.
"s e l b s t l e s e n d", the title of my work, is a neologism, created by the modification of the word 'of course'. In everyday language 'Natürlichredend' is often used as a synonym for 'natural' or 'self-evident'. For many people, gender is also something "naturally given", which does not require any explanation, since it is often regarded as "fixed from the outset". I disagree with this view. With the addition of reading, I refer on the one hand to being "read" as a woman or man in everyday life. On the other hand, however, through the "self" the emphasis is on the individual who "reads" himself and questions his sexual orientation.
s e l b s t l e s e n d would like to encourage people to question what seems to be taken for granted and to dare to take a new look at the gender question.
We all gain from this. Not least: room for manoeuvre. Room for development. Possibilities of expression."
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