Material Song

Tusk, root, shell, thorn,
amber, bark, barb and horn.
Jet, jaw, baleen, scute,
nut, spike, hair and tooth.
Claw, skin, skull, bone,
pearl, antler, wood and stone!

In this workshop we focus on sculptable and carvable matter, mainly substances of organic origin. We look at historic and ethnic examples of amber, jet and ivory carvings and go in search of a personal approach within this field. 
From basic spoon carving in wood to more advanced shaping and sculpting in a variety of materials: horn, shell, tagua, jet, pearl…

Peter Vermandere will be your guide through this wonderful realm of inspirational materials. 

Course details

  • date: 8th of August - 12th of August | duration: 5 days, 35 hrs
  • extra costs for
    • tools 50€;
    • basic materials 25-30€; (pearls and amber excluded - you will be able to buy nice materials to work with!)
  • participants: min. 6 / max. 9
  • language: English, French, Flemish and German


Peter Vermandere


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