Incoming Exchange Students

Are you studying at one of our partner universities and interested in a semester of exchange to our department in Idar-Oberstein? Here is how to apply for an exchange:

The application consists of 4 steps:


Before you can apply for an exchange semester to Idar-Oberstein, you need to get nominated by your home-institution.

Ask the responsible person (teacher, exchange officer, etc) to send an email to studyservice-io(at) with

  • your name
  • your emailadress
  • course of study you are in at the home institution
  • as well as the period of time you want to come for an exchange: winter or summer

After being nominated you will be contacted by us with an individual upload address on our university file-server to upload your application to. (please do NOT send any documents per email or post!)

Please prepare and upload the following documents:

  1. your recent and complete CV, (name it: YourName_CV.pdf)
  2. your portfolio, (name it: YourName_Portfolio.pdf)
  3. a transcript of records, (name it: YourName_TOR.pdf)
  4. a letter of motivation on your choice of the University in Idar-Oberstein for your exchange semester on max. 1 DinA4. (name it: YourName_Motivation.pdf)
  5. Erasmus+ Application_Form (download as WORD or PDF) (name it: YourName_Application.pdf)
  6. Erasmus+ Learning_Agreement (download as WORD or PDF) (name it: YourName_LearningAgreement.pdf)
  7. a readable (!) copy/photo/scan of your passport or ID (name it: YourName_ID.pdf)

All 7 documents need to be formated as PDF.
Applications over 10 MB will be rejected so please compress your files (for instance with, here you can also transfer JPG to PDF). 

Deadlines of application:

  • 1st of December for the following summer semester (1st Mar. - 31st Aug.)
  • 1st of June for the following winter semester (1st Sep. - 28th Feb.)

Within 2 weeks after the application deadline, you will receive the result of the assessment of your application. If you get "Notice of Acceptance" as exchange student, please continue with:


In an online interview we will check your language capacities and your motivation to study in our University as an exchange student.

Within 1 week after the interview, you will receive the result of your application.
If you get a "Notice of Acceptance", please continue with:


After receiving Notice of Acceptance from our department, you need to register as a student. Your Notice of Acceptance will hold all information how to do this. 

After acceptance and registration...

In the learning agreement, which you find under: STEP 2 - NR. 6, we have prefilled a number of classes as PROPOSED STUDY PROGRAMME. This is to ensure you can achieve 30 ECTS (which represents a workload of 900 hrs.).

In case you get accepted there will be a meeting in the first week of your study in IO, where an individual study-programme for each exchange student according to wishes, needs and possibilities will be set up. The classes mentioned in the learning agreement are at your disposal. However, if your German language proficiency under STEP 3 turnes out to be adequate, you may also take part in non-individual classes (theory, photo and in BFA also: CAD).

Please note: the approval of your application is done soon after the exchange students are selected. This selection will take place shortly after the deadline of application.

Credits and Grades

At our university, you will be enabled to study a programm of 30 ECTS in your exchange semester - as explained above. The table below facilitates the interpretation of each grade awarded to students and will facilitate the credit transfer by the sending institution:

Grades German Grade Definition ECTS Grade
1,0-1,5 Sehr gut EXCELLENT A
1,6-2,3 Gut VERY GOOD B
2,4-3,3 Befriedigend GOOD C
3,4-3,7 Ausreichend SATISFACTORY D
3,7-4,0 Ausreichend SUFFICIENT E
Below 4,0 Nicht Ausreichend FAIL F,FX

Deadlines of application:

  • 1st of June for an exchange in a wintersemester (Oct-Feb)
  • 1st of December for an exchange in a summersemester (Apr-Jul)


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