BÜHLER, Jochen; RESCH, Matthias; SCHACHLER, Birgit; MEREI, Ghada; ORTIZ, Brisa; SCHWAEGERL, Peter: SmartPowerFlow - Optimierung von Netzerweiterung versus Energiespeicher auf der Verteilnetzebene infolge zunehmender regenerativer Leistungsflüsse. Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH, 2017.
RESCH, Matthias; BÜHLER, Jochen; KLAUSEN, Mira; SUMPER, Andreas: Impact of operation strategies of large scale battery systems on distribution grid planning in Germany. In: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 74 (2017), S. 1042–1063.
RASCON, Oscar; RESCH, Matthias; BÜHLER, Jochen; SUMPER, Andreas: Techno-economic comparison of a schedule based and a forecast based control strategy for residential photovoltaic storage systems in Germany. In: Electrical Engineering Issue 4, Volume 98 (2016), S. 375–383.
KLAUSEN, Mira; RESCH, Matthias; BÜHLER, Jochen: Analysis of a potential single and combined business model for stationary battery storage systems. In: Energy Procedia, Volume 99 (2016), S. 321-331.
GONZALEZ, Ana; BÜHLER, Jochen; KLEINSCHMIT, Birgit; RESCH, Matthias: Analysis of Potential Distribution and Size of Photovoltaic Systems on Rural Rooftops. In: Journal for Geographic Information Science, Volume 1 (2016), S. 220 – 224.
WIESE, Andreas; HERMANN, Matthias; BÜHLER, Jochen; SPAHIĆ, Ervin; KÜPPERS, Simon: Risikoanalyse von erneuerbaren Energieportfolios. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen Nummer 6, Volumen 58 (2008), S. 62-66.
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