Campus Gestaltung, Edelstein und Schmuck, News

Danni Schwaag Rebellious Geometry – Jewelry in der Galerie Quittenbaum, München

Danni Schwaag: blu_men VI | Brosche | Email auf Kupfer, Rekonstruierte Koralle, Glas, Ebenholz, Gold, Stahl | 2011

14. Juli - 30. August, München

"The play with geometric forms and constructivist compositions are among the most important avant-garde concepts in visual art and design in the 20th century, just think of Malevich, De Stijl and Bauhaus. Under the title ‘Rebellious Geometry’ we juxtapose three  artistic positions that come at very different personal statements based on mathematical considerations, principles of symmetry and collages of basic geometric forms."

Quittenbaum Gallery

Danni Schwaag (Diplom 2008)



Danni Schwaag: blu_men III | Brosche | Enamel auf Plastik, Gold, Stahl | 2011
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