Studying architecture is one of the more cost-intensive courses of study. Materials for models, printing costs for presentation posters and participant contributions for excursions accumulate quickly.
So that you can still get through your studies without worries, you will find opportunities here to receive financial support:
- BaFöG - income-dependent training assistance
- Deutschlandstipendium - performance and engagement dependent scholarship over 300€ per month
- Landesstipendium RLP - performance and commitment dependent scholarship over 1000-1200€
- Ariadne scholarship - especially for high-performing women with a personal burden of more than 2400€ per year
- IKEA-Foundation - Promotion of final theses on the topic of living / home culture over 300€ per month for 3-6 months
- Erasmus+ - Promotion of stays abroad (study + internship) in Europe
- Fulbright - Promotion of stays abroad (studies) in America
- PROMOS - Promotion of worldwide stays abroad (study + internship)