Pegah Vedad MFA

Master-Thesis: "Consumerism"

Supervision: Prof. Eva-Maria Kollischan, Prof. Theo Smeets

"Everything started with some questions about consumerism, and obviously, the first questions in this regard are “why we consume?” “Are we humans by nature consumerist creatures or has this phenomenon emerged for various economic and social reasons?"  

History says consumerism is relatively a new phenomenon that emerged after the industrial revolution and with the emergence of the capitalist system. After the industrial revolution and with the creation of the capitalist system, the welfare of people means owning as many goods as possible. When the purchase of goods and services increases, more wealth will be produced and the economic system will be stronger, and this cycle will continue, and as a result, public welfare will increase. This was the idea proposed by the capitalist system: production of more wealth, economic growth and public welfare. But the story was not so simple!

in the capitalist system, prosperity is more and more important in ownership. But the question is, how far will this increase in wealth continue? Is there a desire to acquire this wealth and prosperity proposed by the capitalist system? Is there a limit to human desire? In such a situation, will man always be in need? And does this need have a real meaning? Or has the capitalist system succeeded in achieving its goals? What were the consequences?

In this article I tried to take a comprehensive look at this issue and examine some of its aspects. I gave more precise definition of consumerism. Then I took a look at the human being and the reasons for consumption. I studied about the relationship between human beings and objects . And I dissected the performance of fashion in this regard and asked questions to be an opportunity for thinking about ourselves and what is happening around us."

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