(für Bachelor-Lernangebote, wechsele die Sprache zu Deutsch.)
Hello Master-students of the department gemstone and jewellery,
the learning opportunities below can be taken voluntarily and there are three formats:
Choose what suits you, it is feasible to take all the courses. The participation in the learning offers is voluntary.
We wish you the best possible time h.
Below you will find the learning offers (the offer is not yet complete, it will be updated continuously).
The students concerned will be contacted by the lecturer
Next Meetings
- Tuesday, April 28, 11-13 am
- Thursday, April 30, 16-18 pm
Preliminary remark: This course is an additional course to the planned schedule for this term.
This course is an option for BFA or MFA students to fulfil the requirement of Campus Credits for SoSe 2020.
The planned excursion for Campus Credits cannot take place. We will have more options for Campus Credits coming up, but undefined yet.
TOPIC: Reading chapters from: Julian Stallabrass, Contemporary Art. A very short introduction (oxford university press 2006)
You need:
- Computer/laptop/pad,
- Time available,
- Registration on StudIP,
- check your hochschule-trier email account.
Our meetings will be:
- April 2nd, Thursday, 6-7 pm
- April 6, Monday, 6-7 pm
- April 15, Wednesday, 6-7 pm
Meeting point: online DFNconf, Seminar room Bennewitz, you will get an invite by email.
Campus Credits (BFA or MFA) in English, SoSe 2020
The book "Jewellery in Context" by Dr. Marjan Unger, published in 2019, is the basis for a virtual image-association exercise and the expansion of your own image bank. In this book, images were deliberately omitted to make the text all the more memorable.
(The book is available in the library. It costs 12,50 €. Since the university library is currently closed, all participants will receive the book. Payment will be made later).
Please read chapter by chapter and mark those statements that are new, surprising or just "true" for you. If you come across such a statement/situation/description that refers to a piece of jewellery where a picture of a piece of jewellery (worn or as an object picture) could be added: after (!) you have read the chapter to the end, search the internet or your books.
You can suggest up to 3 pictures per statement.
Presentation: All participants will be invited to a WhatsApp group where they can upload the relevant text passage (with page reference) and then the picture(s) they found with a short keyword (e.g. page 29 "Furthermore, jewellery has always acted as a means to symbolize or perpetuate relationships" --> Image1: Engagement Ring | Image2 Lions Club Pin | Image3 Dutch "Ohreisen"). The result is a collaborative online show.
Kontaktmöglichkeiten: VIRTUAL MEETINGROOM (Tuesday and Thursday noon by prior appointment) and E-Mail
Would you like to join "Jewellery in Context"?
register here
then you will be sent the book on April 1 and will be invited to join the WhatsApp group.
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