Intermedia Design (M.A.)

Why Is a Master in Intermedia Design Worthwhile?

Intermedia designers develop contemporary, creative solutions in interactive digital media. Their latest possibilities are applied innovatively in conception, design and technology. These skills are increasingly in demand in promising professional fields, be it as game designer, web designer, motion designer, interface / interaction designer, user experience designer, conceptioner and some more.

The design of apps and web applications as well as other interactive media systems, the development of games or gamification applications, storytelling and staging in videos and animation up to networked products and applications are the main focus of the three- or four-semester master's program.

5 Reasons for the Design Master

1. Consolidation of Knowledge

During your master's studies, you will deepen your knowledge of design within the framework of your master's project and acquire analytical and conceptual skills in accompanying courses. In this way, the degree program lays a practical, project-oriented and academic foundation for a career in digital media as well as for a further academic career.


2. Scientific Orientation

The master of arts degree is the prerequisite for employment in higher or civil service and enables you to be admitted to a subsequent doctoral program. Furthermore, a scientific orientation enables you to work as a design author in the publishing sector as well as in publishing, education or research.

3. Qualification for Demanding Professional Profiles

The Master's degree qualifies you for positions such as Art or Creative Director. As an intermediate designer you will work in agencies, publishing houses, design offices, cultural institutions as well as in design departments of industry and media. The master's degree also qualifies you for positions where a high degree of personal and professional competence is required. This includes team leadership, strategic planning and the ability to argue scientifically sound arguments in design projects.

4. Personal Development

In the exchange with other students and the discussion with lecturers you will learn to reflect on contents and methods and to develop your creative work further. Our master students learn to solve challenging and far-reaching tasks in small groups.

5. Freedom of Choice: Self-Employment or Employment

As you will be working in your studies of intermedial design in modern fields with high innovation potential, you will also have the option of working as a freelancer or entrepreneur later.


The Course of Studies in the Master's Study Program

1st - 4th Semester: Implementation of the Project Outline
The Realization of the Submitted Project Outline Is Supplemented by Colloquia, Compulsory and Optional Events.

The basic building blocks of teaching - design, concept, technology, theory - are taught in application-oriented and project-based lessons.

In order to train students to become the creative personalities of tomorrow, teaching takes place in small groups. This offers plenty of time for intensive and individually tailored support by the lecturers. The course of study thus lays a practical, project-oriented and academic foundation for a career in digital media as well as for a further academic career.

Practice or Semester Abroad

Within the 4-semester program, an internship semester must be completed at home or abroad and/or a semester abroad

Prospects After Graduation
Future Prospects and Qualification

With the IMD degree course, you enter a modern media and design laboratory as a nucleus for the latest business and action fields. You are educating yourself for a versatile professional future, in which you can explore new design territory and help to shape the media space with your ideas. This is where design tasks are worked on which react to the rapid development of information and communication media with good ideas, creative concepts and innovative uses. From the very beginning you will be encouraged to help shape a positive media future and to network design tasks in a versatile and innovative way.


  • User experience designer
  • User interface/ interaction designer, information architect
  • Web designer
  • Game designer
  • Motion designer
  • Concept developer
  • VR Designer

Facts at a Glance


Study design master studies with a focus on intermedia design at the University of Applied Sciences Trier!


  • Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Start: winter and summer semester
  • Standard Period of Study: 3-4 semesters
  • Study Location: Irminenfreihof + Building R
    (Paulusplatz) - Campus Design Trier
  • Approval: not restricted - Suitability test
  • Requirements: Diploma or completed Bachelor's degree and application procedure
  • Questions? Gabriele Heinzelmann: 
    Phone: 0651 - 8103 106
    or g.heinzelmann(at)
  • More information can be found on:

Master Application Deadlines

The application deadline for the Master's program:

Application submission until Thursday, 13. Juni 2024, by 12:00 Uhr p.m.

Please send the application documents and the completed application form to the following address or hand it in personally:

University of Applied Sciences Trier- Intermedia Design
Irminenfreihof 8, Building R, Room 1
54290 Trier



Our Fields of Study: The Basis for the Realization of Your Project Outline

The Intermedia Design course of study offers a wide range of courses that focus on a number of central teaching areas. You can read the exact contents in detail on the external website of the subject area:


The Learning Environment

Creative, Interdisciplinary Environment
The Campus of Design Is Located on the Banks of the Moselle Near the City Centre.

Almost 1,000 students live and work here in the fields of intermedia design, communication design, fashion design, interior design and architecture.

In your career you will later work in mixed teams. You will also learn this through joint projects with students from other design subjects, but also from computer science (digital media and games).

Integrated into the course of studies is the annual 'Interdisciplinary Project Week', in which all subjects of the design department work together on interdisciplinary projects. The Campus of Design is then transformed into a bubbling creative pool in which students and lecturers from all disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary basis.

Modern Equipment
Our Workshops and Laboratories

So that you can also put your ideas into practice, there is a wide range of modern equipment available, which can be used directly in the media labs and can also be borrowed. You can let off steam creatively in 8 laboratories for the most diverse areas!


  • Film studio with green screen and lighting system
  • 3D animation laboratory with stereoscopic projection system
  • Audio lab
  • Motion capturing
  • Installation lab 
  • Coding lab 
  • VR-Lab
  • Wearable-Lab 
No Tuition Fees, but Scholarships!
Promotion of Young Media Talent

For financial support in implementing your projects, there is the possibility to apply for a project scholarship every semester. As a scholarship holder you will receive up to 3.000 € to make your ideas come true! The first degree at the University of Applied Sciences Trier is free of tuition fees. For further information please contact the Study Service.


Trier - The Perfect Location!
Study ... and Live!

To study where others go on holiday: Trier is located in the southwest of Germany between the green hills of the Eifel and Hunsrück. The city on the river is close to the borders with Luxembourg, France and Belgium.

A total of 20,000 university and college students shape life in the Moselle city, which has a good 100,000 inhabitants and offers a wide range of cultural activities.

... Is It Worth Studying for a Master's Degree?

What professional advantages and additional qualifications are secured by a master's degree?

Interest Sparked? Then Apply Now!

The application procedure is always worth a try. Especially if you don't really know if the intermedia degree suits you. During the application process you can get to know us and the study program. That way you will quickly notice whether you can do something with Intermedia Design or not. 

Register now on the official application page of the University of Applied Sciences Trier! 
You can find all the subsequent steps and an overview under application

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