Gemstones and Jewellery

"Rocking Stones" with Edu Tarín at Galerie Beyond

Edu Tarín (M.F.A. 2015) presents his latest pieces at Galery Beyond, Belgium from 16th September - 27th October 2018

"(Meaning → Rocking stones are large stones that are so finely balanced that the application of just a small force causes them to rock. Typically, rocking stones are residual corestones formed initially by spheroidal weathering and have later been exposed by erosion or glacial erratics left by retreating glaciers.)

These Rocking Stones are finely balanced between contemporary jewellery and fine arts. These beautiful artworks have not been exposed to natural forces, but to the more delicate and refined forces of our selection of artists."

Alix Manon, Edu Tarín (M.F.A. 2015), Darja Popolitova, Mallory Weston and Tarja Tuupanen.

The exhibition shows selected works till 27th October 2019.

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