Campus for Design and Art

In Touch - Berührungspunkte und Lebenswege

From 09 June - 08 September 2022 at the Goldschmiedehaus Hanau with Katja Köditz (BA 2013), Katharina Reimann (MFA 2017) and Tabea Reulecke (Diploma 2006).

Under the title "In Touch - Points of Contact and Paths of Life", this exhibition in the Goldsmiths' House will feature works by Hanau city goldsmiths and graduates of the State Academy of Art and Design whose paths have crossed in Hanau.

During their time in Hanau, the city goldsmiths always offer a workshop for students of the Zeichenakademie. The exhibition "In Touch" now juxtaposes pieces by the city goldsmiths with those by graduates of the State Academy of Drawing from the respective years and thus makes the points of contact between the city goldsmiths and graduates visible and tangible.

The exhibition was conceived and curated by Anette Wohlleber, a teacher at the Zeichenakademie.



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