While the two were studying together, they discovered the different worldviews they each pursue regarding the aspects of jewellery making. One shines a spotlight on the significance and value of the material itself, while illustrating a specific story using the components of the jewel. The other creates the possibility to dress the jewels with significance and values, while keeping the objects’ (hi)story open. However, it is intriguing to see that with similar archaic techniques, such as working with construction and layers, each expresses, in a tactile manner, his/her personal views.
Dot Melanin (M.F.A. 2016) presents a series of works that were made after a creative experience in Estonia, 2013. The impact of the local artistic dialect is expressed in the work by the selection of colours, materials, forms and attitude.
Dana Seachuga (M.F.A. 2015) presents a group of works from the past 3 years to the present. In her doings, she relates to the different roles we utilise jewels for, and the varied relationships the chosen role creates between a person and his/her personal object.
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