Berg, Judith, M.A.
Subject: Architecture in Urban Context, Ensemble Design Projekt
Berger, Daniel, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Subject: Construction I
Bleck, Dietmar, Dipl.-Oec.
Subject: International Project Marketing
Christmann, Axel , Dipl.-Ing. Architekt
Subject: Construction V
Çömez, Alican, M.A.
Subject: Design Projekt I und Construction I
Frechen, Christopher, M.A.
Subject: Design Projekt I
Hank, Hannah, B.A.
Subject: Digital Visualisation
Kirchner, G.G ., Dipl.-Ing.
Subject: Representation and Presentation Strategies
Kleppe, Martin
Subject: Building and Designing with Solid Building Materials
Lang, Ruben, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt BDA
Subject: Special Topics in Construction
Lorang, Julie, M.A.
Subject: Design Projekt I
Mahler, Karl-Uwe, Dr.
Subject: Building History and Basics of Project planning in a historical Context
Mentler, Katharina, Dipl.-Ing.
Subject: Construction I
Meurer, Karsten, R.A.
Subject: Planning and Building Law I
Neukirch, Vanessa
Subject: Construction I
Willems-Bender, Iris, M.A. Dipl.Ing. FH Architektin BDA
Subject: Design Projekt I
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